
Cherish my feelings and memories/想いや思い出をそっとしまっておく

Thank you so much for coming to my note. I feel it's a miracle to come across certain creators here.

Cherish my feelings and memories 

I have been thinking of sharing my experiences of international marriage and relationships. However, I still hesitate to share some of them. That's why I can't write them in articles. 

I realized that I haven't shared those experiences or feelings with someone other than my husband. Is it natural to cherish your feelings and memories? In other words, I keep my precious memories in my heart. 

Some may want to share every experience with others. On the other hand, others may not want to do so. I probably would be the latter one.

International marriage may have special aspects compared to marriage of the same nationalities. However, I feel that  the main concerns of marriage are the same whether our nationalities are different. I chose to live with my husband because I love him. That's the most important feeling. 

I do have some experiences that I would like to share. So, I will figure out how I can express and share them here.







