

My articles using English schedule book 2024(英語手帳).


Weekly question #29 Do you read a lot?

Weekly question #29 Do you read a lot?

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This is my article about weekly question from 英語手帳 2024. The theme in June is


[prefer] I prefer to sit by the aisle to the window on the express train. It's easier to get off, so I usually choose the aisle seat.

[format] We can purchase books in both printed and digital formats.

[recharge] Erhu music helps me recharge my energy every day.

[retain] It may be necessary to retain copies of documents for a few years.

[eye strain] Driving cars at night can cause eye strain. I try not to drive during at night, so I don't need to concentrate so much.

[storage] When the season changes, I look through my storage space of clothes. I feel I need to get rid of the ones I don't wear anymore.

[font] Fonts give different impressions when you read.

[quality] I appreciate the high-quality work of my colleagues.

[mainstay] The cake shop opened a few years ago is becoming a mainstay of our town.

[fingertip] Using my fingertips to press the string of my erhu is important and sensitive.

[comprehension] The teacher gives students a comprehension test to review what they have learned.

Weekly question #27 What are the benefits of e-books?

Weekly question #27 What are the benefits of e-books?

Thank you so much for coming to my note. I really appreciate your likes, follows, and every action you take for my note.

This is my article about weekly question from 英語手帳 2024. The theme in June is


[avid] My husband is an avid gamer, and I am an avid fan of erhu.