
Weekly question #29 Do you read a lot?

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This is my article about weekly question from 英語手帳 2024. The theme in June is "Physical books vs. e-books" (紙の本と電子書籍、どちらが好き?).

Weekly question: Do you read a lot?

I wrote my English article in the past about 10 things I wanted to do this year. 
I wrote I wanted to read English books.

Actually, this year, I'm much more interested in reading note articles! I haven't read any English books. Oh well, that's me.

As I said, I'm reading note articles everyday. Articles aren't books but I think it's worth reading. It depends on my interest, but I also read paid articles. They really motivate my feelings and even make my day. 

I really learn a lot from the paid articles. I might want to write about this further in another way.



1. Continue the English schedule book (英語手帳).
2. Play my erhu: attend the recital (July), and take the examination (October)
3. Read books both English and Japanese: using Kindle Unlimited and Gutenberg
4. Enjoy cooking and baking sweets
5. Play Dragonquest X with my husband
6. Taking care of my health condition using the FODMAP foods list
7. Play Pokémon Go as usual
8. Enjoy my work: do my best but not work too hard
9. Keep balance of my mental and  physical health
10. Enjoy daily life with my husband


1 英語手帳を続けること
2 二胡を弾くこと
  7月の発表会参加と10月の検定試験を 受けること
3 本を読むこと(日本語も洋書も)
 Kindle Unlimited、Gutenbergを利用
4 料理、お菓子作りを楽しむこと
5 夫とドラクエXで遊ぶこと
6 FODMAP表を参考に、健康に気をつけること
7 いつものように、ポケモンGOで遊ぶこと
8 仕事も楽しむこと、無理しない程度に
9 心と体の健康、両方のバランスに気をつけること
10 夫と日々の暮らしを楽しむこと








