

FUJIFILM APS-Cミラ-レスカメラ X-H2 4020万画素 + TAMRON 11-20mm F2.8

「地球上の笑顔の回数を増やしていく」 少々やぼったい表現ですがこれはFUJIFILMの企業理念です。この顧客に顧客の立場に立ってしっかりと寄り添う姿勢こそがFUJIFILMグループの神髄であると私は思っております。私がFUJIFILMグループと初めてかかわりを持ったのはカメラではなく「旧富士ゼロックス」時代のプリンターでした。今から10年以上前にモノクロレーザープリンター(FX DocuPrint2055)を購入した時です。LAN接続についてカスタマーサポートに電話質問した際に対応してくださった女性スタッフに感動しました。まさに「お客様に寄り添って疑問を解決し最後はお客様を笑顔にする」という”神対応”に驚きを隠せませんでした。業種の枠を超え日本一のそしておそらく世界一のサポート体制ではないかと敬服しました。他のプリンターメーカーとは全く違い明らかにまっすぐにお客様目線で対応してくれたことに感服しました。
This is the corporate philosophy of FUJIFILM. I believe that this attitude of being close to customers from their perspective is the essence of the FUJIFILM Group. My first involvement with the FUJIFILM Group was not with cameras, but with printers during the time of the former Fuji Xerox. When I called customer support to ask about LAN connection, I was impressed by the female staff who answered my question. I could not hide my surprise at the "divine response" of the customer support staff, who "get close to the customer, solve their questions, and finally bring a smile to the customer's face. I admired their support system, which is the best in Japan and probably the best in the world, transcending the boundaries of the industry. I was impressed by the fact that, unlike other printer manufacturers, they clearly responded in a straightforward manner from the customer's point of view.

In the camera industry, Canon, Sony, Ricoh, Fujifilm, Panasonic, and other companies have built deep relationships with individual and corporate users through their many products other than cameras. These companies are skilled at accurately grasping the needs of users and promptly commercializing and upgrading their products to meet their customers' expectations.
