
万生集(生きる目的・理由・コツ)60 ~Manseishu/collection of meaning and knack of life~


The word of ’百姓(Hyakusho;one hundred surnames mean farmer) ' has pointed to people of various occupations.  Any occupation has not specialized but normally used to have multiple occupations. It should  have been workstyle for a reason. Though power forces people to decide career, the way of life and working should be more diverse. To tell the plain truth, let's do something fun. When I think what should we need for that, I thought that they should be health and good friends. Another should be self-development if I look at this fun.

(2018/11/14 シンガーソングライター 加藤登紀子『農的幸福論 藤本敏夫からの遺言』➃、Singer-songwriter,Tokiko Kato, 'Agricultural Eudaemonics.'➃)
