
#万生集(#生きる目的 ・意味・コツ)196 ~Manseishu/collection of #purpose(#meaning) of life~










I should cherish myself and live majestically in my own way.

「Poem, beauty and love are the purpose of human living themselves.' from movie “Live now”.

The most important thing in life is in the something we can't figure.

Self-respect grows by trust and respect in ourselves. It is born by accumulating successful experiences that solve the problems and achieve the goals. Anyway it is important to try by ourselves. First step to have firm self-respect is clear. That is 'to live as I am.' 

Living as you are is to judge by yourself In experience and exploration and learn the way of deciding by yourself. Judging, deciding and living by yourself on the basis of understanding yourself are your own life. The first step is attending to yourself. You need considerable intelligence and effort for that.

Let's find what we really like and regain our sense of self.

We just live to be responsible for our lives as an individual. The one and only existence we should do our best to meet our expectation is just ourselves.

We have the right to have our own answer. It is not wrong answer but correct answer for each person. 

Let's find perfect suit of clothes for you on the basis of 審美眼(shinbigan;aesthetic sense)nourished through failure. After all life is to find  perfect and good quality suit of clothes for you.

(2020.12.5.作家 キム・スヒョン 『私は私のままで生きることにした』①、Writer, Kim Soo-hyun, 'I have decided to live as I am.'①)
