




  • シナプスの揺らめき



  • 固定された記事


日経新聞の記事の内容をもとに、それを深堀して、英語にリライトしています。記者の視点から見た内容をそのまま訳し直すでは面白くないので、記者の視点以外からも光を当てて、記者が見落としたか、または見ないで済まそうとした点を浮き彫りにしていきたい。事実を別の視点から見ると、全く別の物語が生まれてくる。それこそ百人百様だ。そのさまざまな物語の紡ぎ合いの中からしか真実が見えてこないのではないかと思っています。 一体真実とは何なのかを、玉石混交の情報社会の中で見つけ出すのは至難の業だ。少

    • 労働者協同組合、地域貢献の切り札              気ままなリライト148

      With a cultural shift away from the hierarchical structures of traditional businesses, worker cooperatives have steadily been emerging across the country. This innovative business model, which prioritizes equitable profit-sharing and equal

      • 汗まみれの一体感で、楽しさの頂点を堪能         気ままなリライト147

        A series of large-scale events organized by fitness clubs have been mesmerizing not only fitness enthusiasts but also thrill-seekers looking to break away from their daily routines and dive into a heart-pounding, spellbinding atmosphere. Th

        • 被災危機感の差、災害復興準備にバラツキ          気ままなリライト146

          When sensationalized portrayals of potential disasters foster a fatalistic mindset—where people see disasters as inevitable and uncontrollable and believe that preparation and mitigation efforts are futile—the Japanese government has taken

        • 固定された記事


        • 労働者協同組合、地域貢献の切り札              気ままなリライト148

        • 汗まみれの一体感で、楽しさの頂点を堪能         気ままなリライト147

        • 被災危機感の差、災害復興準備にバラツキ          気ままなリライト146


        • シナプスの揺らめき


          無党派層、与野党伯仲の鍵を握る                気ままなリライト145

          When the ruling party's popularity has waned and the opposition’s voice has grown stronger, non-partisan votes are more likely to make a big difference in the outcome of the next House of Representatives election. A survey on voters’ politi

          無党派層、与野党伯仲の鍵を握る                気ままなリライト145

          四輪型スマートフォン、 無人で送迎サービス        気ままなリライト144

          The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry's vision of transforming automobiles into internet-connected, service-oriented platforms has driven major Japanese automakers to shift their focus from hardware to software, mirroring the technol

          四輪型スマートフォン、 無人で送迎サービス        気ままなリライト144

          黄色の安全ベスト、7歳の学童の自立を促す              気ままなリライト143

          Balancing the benefits of a car-oriented culture with the safety and well-being of children is a quite challenge, especially in large cities like Tokyo. Urban road designs often prioritize cars, leading to insufficient safe infrastructure f

          黄色の安全ベスト、7歳の学童の自立を促す              気ままなリライト143

          経常黒字、海外への投資頼み  気ままなリライト142

          In fiscal 2023, Japan's current account demonstrated an improved overall balance despite limited gains from trade activities. This record-high positive balance was driven by unprecedented income from foreign investments and a reduction in t

          経常黒字、海外への投資頼み  気ままなリライト142

          女性ライダー、中古市場を引っ張る            気ままなリライト141

          Growing enthusiasm among women for motorcycling as a metaphor for life's journey has been enhancing the image of a woman astride a powerful engine, casting second-hand motorcycles as loyal companions on their adventurous paths. Many aspirin

          女性ライダー、中古市場を引っ張る            気ままなリライト141


          This spawning season's spectacle in Toyama Bay, Toyama Prefecture has left even its seasoned residents and fishers in awe. The familiar brilliant blue glow of countless firefly squids illuminating the coastal waters has been exceptionally v


          広がる「サードプレイス」、防ぐ孤立             気ままなリライト139

          As feelings of loneliness and isolation have intensified in today’s fast-paced world, ‘third places’, a concept popularized by sociologist Ray Oldenburg in his influential book "The Great Good Place," have been emerging as a mental haven. S

          広がる「サードプレイス」、防ぐ孤立             気ままなリライト139

          減る交番、駐在の数、失われゆく地域の安心感       気ままなリライト138

          The role of Japan's kobans, the quaint neighborhood police stations integral to local safety and trust, has been undergoing a necessary reassessment. Cherished for their historic and emotional role in strengthening ties between the communit

          減る交番、駐在の数、失われゆく地域の安心感       気ままなリライト138

          技能実習制度、希望の光の背後に広がる暗闇        気ままなリライト137

          The spotlight on the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) has grown more intense, exposing its profound flaws through a series of heart-wrenching incidents that put pregnant trainees in dire ethical dilemmas. The program’s structural sh

          技能実習制度、希望の光の背後に広がる暗闇        気ままなリライト137

          小児病棟、付き添い入院が当たり前 気ままなリライト136

          The gap between ideal and actual practices in pediatric inpatient care has posed a societal challenge. The harsh reality of nursing staff shortages often has shifted the burden of care onto the shoulders of hospitalized children's family me

          小児病棟、付き添い入院が当たり前 気ままなリライト136

          VIP警護、ドローンでどこまで 気ままなリライト135

          During the election campaign period leading up to House of Representatives by-elections on April 28, security drones are poised to hover above crowded areas, tasked by the National Police Agency with detecting potential threats from audienc

          VIP警護、ドローンでどこまで 気ままなリライト135

          中小企業、身を切る賃上げ   気ままなリライト134

          In 2024, the annual spring wage negotiations between labor unions and corporate management in Japan have cast an optimistic light, especially for the current and would-be regular employees in the large corporate sector. This year's successf

          中小企業、身を切る賃上げ   気ままなリライト134