
女性ライダー、中古市場を引っ張る            気ままなリライト141

Growing enthusiasm among women for motorcycling as a metaphor for life's journey has been enhancing the image of a woman astride a powerful engine, casting second-hand motorcycles as loyal companions on their adventurous paths. Many aspiring female riders are discovering trustworthy partners among affordable options, sharing both hardships and joys as they navigate life on their own terms, chart new territories, tackle life’s roadblocks and revel in the thrill of unfamiliar routes. Resonating with their yearning for desired destinations, the motorcycle industry and driving schools are serving as a springboard, catering to diverse preferences and needs, and inspiring more women to saddle up and chase their riding dreams.

The quest for personal happiness during the plandemic has led many women to seek the camaraderie in the motorcycle community. For those feeling constrained by social restrictions, motorcycling offered an emotional outlet, allowing them to redefine themselves in a positive and empowering way. Social media amplified the allure of riding, inspiring more young women to embrace motorcycling as a means of breaking free from societal constraints and bridging the gap between their perceived reality and their ideal selves. This movement reinforced the importance of belonging, with many joining clubs, participating in group rides, and attending motorcycle-related events to connect with like-minded individuals.

The motorcycle industry’s marketing campaigns, which appeal to potential female riders valuing uniqueness and hipness, have led to a dramatic increase in the number of women obtaining licenses for middle- and large-sized motorcycles. Inspired by a diverse lineup of motorcycle models that showcase stylish designs and practical features such as easy handling and lightweight bodies, many women are being excited to open the door to their riding dreams. Driving schools are supporting them in this journey, often offering online written tests and providing lower-seating motorcycles that accommodate shorter riders during driving tests. In 2022, 44,975 motorcycle licenses were issued to female trainees, representing a 48% increase from 2019.

An increase in second-hand sales of large-sized motorcycles has underscored that the journey of partnership towards a fulfilling life is financially attainable and enjoyable for women. Iconic brands like Harley-Davidson, long associated with a rugged, rebellious lifestyle and the American spirit of independence and masculinity, have found favor among Japanese female riders. The Japanese branch of Harley-Davidson has reported a rapid increase in the number of female riders over the past few years, particularly among women in their twenties and thirties. Those women are embodying themes of adventure and freedom, seeking to tame powerful engines with the help of customization options for shorter riders.

The recent trend of women seeking personal fulfillment through adventure and a break from monotonous, stressful routines has driven up the sales and prices of second-hand motorcycles. The pursuit of an empowered self-image by straddling a powerful engine often comes with a high cost when buying new. Consequently, opting for a second-hand motorcycle has become a practical choice for many budget-conscious female riders. The demand for second-hand motorcycles is particularly strong for those with engines between 251-cc and 400-cc (cubic centimeters). According to AUCNET Inc, which provides online auctions for used motorcycles and cars, the average price of those motorcycles between January and March 2024 was about 357,200 yen, slightly lower than the 371,400 yen during the same period in 2022, but still 60% higher than pre-plandemic levels. Meanwhile, the average price of motorcycles with engines between 401-cc and 750-cc remains 40% higher than it was five years ago.

Growing worldwide demand for second-hand motorcycles from Japanese brands has been threatening the accessibility of motorcycling as a symbol of life’s challenges for budget-conscious women. The rapid depreciation of the yen has favored the international second-hand motorcycle market, making Japanese brands more affordable abroad. According to the Ministry of Finance's trade statistics, the export of second-hand motorcycles in March surged by 35% year-on-year, reaching 3.22397 billion yen. Engines over 800 cc led this increase, with a 40% rise in shipments and a 61% rise in total value.
