




  • シナプスの揺らめき



  • 固定された記事


日経新聞の記事の内容をもとに、それを深堀して、英語にリライトしています。記者の視点から見た内容をそのまま訳し直すでは面白くないので、記者の視点以外からも光を当てて、記者が見落としたか、または見ないで済まそうとした点を浮き彫りにしていきたい。事実を別の視点から見ると、全く別の物語が生まれてくる。それこそ百人百様だ。そのさまざまな物語の紡ぎ合いの中からしか真実が見えてこないのではないかと思っています。 一体真実とは何なのかを、玉石混交の情報社会の中で見つけ出すのは至難の業だ。少

    • 老舗旅館人手不足をチャンスに 気ままなリライト158

      Japan’s workforce challenges, particularly in the hospitality and service sector, have necessitated a broader approach to managing unmet job demand without compromising operational efficiency or service quality. As tourism is surging like a

      • 牛久シャトーワインは更生の味 気ままなリライト157

        Horticultural therapy programs have provided a meaningful, effective path to rehabilitation for juvenile offenders by incorporating farming activities into community projects. The therapeutic approach, utilized within correctional settings,

        • 路線価29都道府県で上昇     気ままなリライト156

          A positive impact on land values in primarily urban areas, driven by infrastructure improvements, increased tourism, and robust property investment, has been reflected in the Rosenka values as of January 1, 2024, published annually on July

        • 固定された記事


        • 老舗旅館人手不足をチャンスに 気ままなリライト158

        • 牛久シャトーワインは更生の味 気ままなリライト157

        • 路線価29都道府県で上昇     気ままなリライト156


        • シナプスの揺らめき


          至福のラーメンを求めて   気ままなリライト155

          A bowl of ramen or a plate of chewy noodles has long been a cherished comfort food and an irresistible staple in Japanese culinary culture, especially in the Kanto region with a high density of ramen restaurants. This simple dish has a magn

          至福のラーメンを求めて   気ままなリライト155

          元地方公務員の肩書で恩返し  気ままなリライト154

          The declining popularity of public service jobs in municipal offices have pressured many local governments to rely on former employees as a band-aid solution to the shortage of public servants. Many local governments are expecting former pu

          元地方公務員の肩書で恩返し  気ままなリライト154

          正しい薬物知識によって解かれる社会的な偏見       気ままなリライト153

          The rapidity of information spread via social media has amplified the severity of drug distribution among curious-minded youth. The covert trade of drugs categorized as illegal is fueling the underground drug market, keeping law-enforcement

          正しい薬物知識によって解かれる社会的な偏見       気ままなリライト153

          酒が中高年の女性を飲む    気ままなリライト152

          The saying "a man lives on a quarter of what he eats; the other three quarters live on his doctor" metaphorically underscores the importance of moderation. This wisdom applies to drinking as well as eating, yet it is often ignored, especial

          酒が中高年の女性を飲む    気ままなリライト152

          大人の歪んだ鏡に映る子供   気ままなリライト151

          When adults' actions and behaviors significantly influence the development of children, who learn primarily through the examples set by adults in their lives, what have they absorbed from the overall environment created by adults during the

          大人の歪んだ鏡に映る子供   気ままなリライト151

          「ラーケーション」学校の枠を離れて愉快に学ぶ      気ままなリライト150

          At the core of learncation, a portmanteau of "learning" and "vacation, is the idea that learning is a lifelong journey extending beyond the confines of formal education. Traditional classroom learning is just one part of a broader, ongoing

          「ラーケーション」学校の枠を離れて愉快に学ぶ      気ままなリライト150

          後半生の不安を婚活で埋める  気ままなリライト149

          As the sun sets on the first half of their lives, a growing number of individuals over 50 have been embarking on a twilight romance, seeking to enrich their days with the warmth of companionship and the glow of emotional well-being. Life ev

          後半生の不安を婚活で埋める  気ままなリライト149

          労働者協同組合、地域貢献の切り札              気ままなリライト148

          With a cultural shift away from the hierarchical structures of traditional businesses, worker cooperatives have steadily been emerging across the country. This innovative business model, which prioritizes equitable profit-sharing and equal

          労働者協同組合、地域貢献の切り札              気ままなリライト148

          汗まみれの一体感で、楽しさの頂点を堪能         気ままなリライト147

          A series of large-scale events organized by fitness clubs have been mesmerizing not only fitness enthusiasts but also thrill-seekers looking to break away from their daily routines and dive into a heart-pounding, spellbinding atmosphere. Th

          汗まみれの一体感で、楽しさの頂点を堪能         気ままなリライト147

          被災危機感の差、災害復興準備にバラツキ          気ままなリライト146

          When sensationalized portrayals of potential disasters foster a fatalistic mindset—where people see disasters as inevitable and uncontrollable and believe that preparation and mitigation efforts are futile—the Japanese government has taken

          被災危機感の差、災害復興準備にバラツキ          気ままなリライト146

          無党派層、与野党伯仲の鍵を握る                気ままなリライト145

          When the ruling party's popularity has waned and the opposition’s voice has grown stronger, non-partisan votes are more likely to make a big difference in the outcome of the next House of Representatives election. A survey on voters’ politi

          無党派層、与野党伯仲の鍵を握る                気ままなリライト145

          四輪型スマートフォン、 無人で送迎サービス        気ままなリライト144

          The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry's vision of transforming automobiles into internet-connected, service-oriented platforms has driven major Japanese automakers to shift their focus from hardware to software, mirroring the technol

          四輪型スマートフォン、 無人で送迎サービス        気ままなリライト144