
【CODE BLUE 2023】タルン・イェン / a-Lun Yen


モデム(そして通信事業者)もまたそれほど安全ではない ー 6つのゼロデイ脆弱性が1週間で400万台のモデムに[ja]

Modems (and telecoms) are also not as secure - 6 0-days to 4 million modems within a week [en]

今回はテクニカルのカテゴリから「モデム(そして通信事業者)もまたそれほど安全ではない ー 6つのゼロデイ脆弱性が1週間で400万台のモデムに」の講演を行うタルン・イェン氏のインタビューをお届けします。

講師のイェン氏はOTのセキュリティ・ソリューションを提供するTXOne Networksのシニア脆弱性リサーチャーを務めており、CODE BLUEでは2021年にNAS製品の脆弱性調査、2020年にOTのHMI(Hunan Machine Interface)のセキュリティを調査し発表しています。




Ta-Lun Yen [en]




Q1. あなたが発表するトピックは、どのようにして取り組み始めたのですか?


Q2. この研究中に直面したいくつかの課題は何でしたか?


Q3. このトークに参加を検討している人々に伝えたいメッセージは何ですか?




Q1. How did you initiate your journey into the topic that you are presenting?

A1. My cat was sleeping next to my modem on one particular afternoon, and I started wondering if the modems were secure at all. There were 0-days against home routers, NASes, IoTs, but not the modem, which usually is the "real" front gate of your home. Most researchers and bug hunters were focusing on devices or software you can buy directly on the marketplace, but less focused on modems, which usually are ISP's property and rented to the user.

Q2. What were some challenges you faced during this research?

A2. Vulnerability reporting and communicating with the vendors. When you have an exploit chain that can jeopardize national security (that only works on that nation), it's best to report to someone who can uphold confidentiality and integrity, which means it should be a nation-run CERT. However, not every nation has a nation-run CERT that can work with any citizen. Furthermore, ISPs, especially national-owned ones, have a very rigid organizational structure and culture, and everything has to go through layers of bureaucracy.

Q3. What message would you like to convey to those considering attending this talk?

Hopefully, ISPs can build more secure modems, and nations should work on a friendlier CERT process. Researchers are there to protect you before bad people exploit your system without malicious intent.