
柳屋 YANAGIYA REPRODUCT | 郷土玩具 Folk toy| 鳥取県 Tottori Prefecture

二代目 田中謹二・宮子夫妻

「柳屋」は鳥取県鳥取市にて1928年から2014年までの 86年間にわたり郷土玩具を作り続けた工房です。屋号は「柳に雪折れなし」という、ことわざに由来します。
 初代 田中達之助は因幡地方の歴史や伝説を元に創作玩具を発表する一方、廃絶していた玩具の復元にも尽力し、妻 利子とともに研究と制作を重ねました。屋号を体現するような仕事は娘夫妻へと受け継がれ、張り子面や土鈴、木製人形など、50種類以上にも及ぶ多種多様な玩具が生み出されました。
 2020年に始動した『YANAGIYA REPRODUCT』では新たな作り手たちが二代目 田中謹二・宮子夫妻にその手法を学び、柳屋の玩具制作に取り組んでいます。

 Yanagiya was a local toy workshop in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture. They made folk toys for 86 years, from 1928 to 2014. "Yanagiya" comes from the proverb, "Willow trees never break in the snow." Tatsunosuke Tanaka, the founder of Yanagiya, created toys based on the history and legends of the Inaba region. He also devoted himself to restoring toys that had fallen into disuse. For many years, he researched and created toys with his wife, Toshiko. Yanagiya was passed on to their daughter and her husband. Yanagiya’s work fully embodied the meaning of the company name. They created over 50 toys, including Japanese paper mache masks, clay figures, and wooden toys.

In 2020, a new group of creators known as YANAGIYA REPRODUCT formed. They devoted themselves to learning the techniques of Kinji and Miyako Tanaka and to the reproduction of Yanagiya folk toys.

因幡の白兎 / The White Rabbit of Inaba


The deity Okuninushi of Izumo province went on a journey to meet the beautiful princess Yagami Hime from Inaba province. Along the way, Okuninushi met a white rabbit that had been injured by a shark.
Feeling sorry for the rabbit, the deity gently washed its body with fresh water and laid it on a mat made of rushes to rest. The rabbit quickly healed, and as gratitude to the deity, it led him to the princess. The princess and the deity fell in love and eventually got married.

ぬけ / Nuke (pronounced Nuké)


There is a unique festival in Tottori Prefecture. During this local festival, a Kirin giraffe lion and a Shōjō mythical primate clear the way in front of the portable shrine. Four young men carry a sakaki tree while aggressively rampaging through the streets.
They knock down and throw things around, but don't worry; this is a part of the religious ceremony. To ensure safety, a large man wearing a yellow cotton bag watches over the path of the rampaging sakaki tree. The bag only has simple holes cut out for the eyes and mouth. The eyebrows are drawn in thick black sumi ink. When he shouts, "Nuke ga kita!" ("The thief is coming!"), the spectators flee in fear.

青のハナタレ / Blue runny nose


During the feudal era, the Gongen Festival was extremely grand. With permission from the feudal Lord, those who wore the "Blue runny nose Masks" during the procession were allowed to say any insult to anyone they wanted, regardless of their status or background. That is why these masks were often bid on and worn by individuals with grudges against others.

*The color “green” is often referred to as “blue” in Japanese. 

猩々 / Syoujyo


The Kirin lion dance performed during festivals of Inaba shrines around Tottori City is unique. The Kirin lion has a single horn on its head, a long face similar to a dragon, crescent moon-shaped eyes, and is decorated with gold leaf. There is no singing.
The dance is performed fluidly to the accompaniment of flutes, drums, and sleigh bells. It is very mysterious. The dance of the Kirin lion follows the dance of the Shōjō mythical primate to purify the path of the portable shrine and prevent epidemics. The Kirin lion and the Shōjō mythical primate wear red cotton coats, pants, and a turmeric-colored obi.

赤おに / Akaoni

 赤おに面は初代柳屋 田中達之助の創作玩具です。
この意匠は達之助が自宅近くの久松山の山頂で、妻 利子の握ったおにぎりを手にしたときにひらめいたそうです。ずんぐりした顔には勇ましい眉と髭、固く結んだ口元からは鋭い牙がのぞきます。一見すると怖そうな赤おにですが、どこか憎めない表情が特徴です。

Akaoni mask is an original, designed toy from the first generation of Yanagiya Tatsunosuke Tanaka. Oni is a Japanese demon that appears in folk tales and other traditional ceremonies.
The design of the mask came to him in a flash on the top of Mt.Hisamatsu, near his house, at the moment when he grabbed a rice ball made by his wife Toshiko. It has a short, round shape face with manly eye brows and a beard. His sharp fangs are peeking out from lips which are closed tightly . It looks fierce at first glance, but it has a characteristic, lovable expression.

片へら人形 / Katahera Ningyou

 鳥取市二階町二丁目の工人が端午の節句に合わせて作る人形に、片へらデコと言うヘギ板で出来たものがあり、 因幡の国の名物と伝えられている。かなり粗雑なつくりではあるが、武者の勇ましい姿を競う様子がなかなか面白い。五騎立てあるいは七騎立てがあり、城郭での攻防の様子を表している。


Unique to the Inaba region, Katahera dolls make endearing decorations for the Boy's Day festival. These dolls are delicately made from thin strips of wood by skilled craftsmen in the Nikakimachi ward of Tottori City. The crude, simple construction makes watching the tiny, wooden warriors compete for bravery all the more intriguing.
All the excitement of the calvary and a castle fit into a remarkable 180cm. According to historical records in the Hōki-min-dan-ki, this doll emerged when the ruling Ikeda family lived in the Mikawa Yoshida region. That is why they were sometimes referred to as "Yoshida Zaiku." Similar dolls are made throughout the former Yoshida region, including Himeji and Bizen in the Inaba province and Yonago and Kurayoshi in the Hoki province.

【 製作協力 】
木工木地 ドモク堂 朝倉康登 鳥取県湯梨浜町
彩色・組立 朝倉邦子 鳥取県湯梨浜町
陶土素焼 国造焼

嘉久雛 かくびな / KAKUBINA

田中謹二・宮子夫妻の監修の元、地元の木工工房、染織工房や彩色協力してくださる方により、嘉久雛を復刻することができました。 「嘉久雛 / かくびな」と言い、かくびなの「かく」は四角 の「角」ではなく「嘉久」と言う字をあてます。めでたく喜ばしいことが、末永く続くようにという思いを込めて製作されていました。

【 製作協力 】
木工 ドモク堂 朝倉康登 鳥取県湯梨浜町
染織 NPO法人 おりもんや 鳥取県米子市
彩色 朝倉邦子 鳥取県湯梨浜町

Under the supervision of folk toy masters Kinji and Miyako Tanaka and with the cooperation of local woodworking studios, dyeing studios, and painting studios, it was possible to replicate the Kakubina folk dolls. The "かくkaku" in "嘉久雛kakubina" is sometimes mistaken for the character "角kaku," meaning corner because of the doll’s square shape, but “かくkaku” is actually written with the characters "嘉久Kaku." The dolls were made with the wish that joyous and celebratory events continue for a long time.

*The character嘉久can also be read as “Yoshihisa,” a common boy’s name. The character 嘉 carries the meaning of “happiness, praise, and esteem”. While the character久 means a “long time.”

豆天神 / Small(Mame)Tenjin
堂内天神 / Dounai Tenjin

柳屋 先代 田中達之助

Mame Tenjin and Dounai Tenjin:
It is believed that the Tenjin dolls have been made in Tottori since before the Meiji era. The dolls are primarily red, with only small amounts of color added. Until around the early Showa period, it was customary to celebrate Tenjin during the New Year. Scrolls and dolls were typical decorations for this festival. Small children were asked to make the tiny mochi rice cakes given as offerings to Tenjin. 
The Tenjin festivals were lively events. Large paper lanterns with dedications written on them were set up on the sides of a cart beautifully decorated with ropes. The local town children would all pull the cart together. The leader held a bow-shaped paper lantern and shouted, "Oyasa, oyasa," spiritedly. The houses along the way would also be decorated with hanging lanterns.

* In the Shinto native belief system of Japan, Tenjin is the god of academics and learning.
* Mame, which means ‘bean’ in Japanese, refers to the small size of the Mame Tenjin doll. *Dounai simply means 'inside a cave,' echoing the practice of placing statues of gods in caves.

【 製作協力 】
成型・彩色 朝倉邦子 鳥取県湯梨浜町
焼成 国造焼 鳥取県倉吉市

フクロウ笛 / Owl flute
ハト笛 / Pigeon flute

 鳥取県の玩具工房 柳屋(2014年廃業)の田中ご夫妻の監修の元、鳥取県内の有志・協力者により石膏の型おこし・陶土で笛の製作・彩色に関わる方々によりハト笛を復刻することが出来ました。 ハト笛は素焼きの土笛に鮮やかな彩色を施した玩具です。尾っぽを吹くと可愛らいしい音色が響きます。

【 製作協力 】
笛成型 九十九正一 鳥取県鳥取市青谷町
彩色 朝倉邦子 鳥取県湯梨浜町

The Yanagiya Toy Workshop in Tottori Prefecture closed in 2014. Under the supervision of folk toy masters Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka and with volunteers and supporters' help, the reproduction of the Dove Flute was possible. The making of plaster molds, the unglazed earthenware, the hand-painted bright colors, the work of all these various folk craftsmen brought it back to life. When you blow into its tail, it produces a cute sound.

〒682-0821 鳥取県倉吉市魚町2516
