

About us


Hi guys;)
We are COBBY, a support group for study abroad and international students in the Rikkyo COB. COBBY was established in 2010 as an official organization that supports international students at the College of Business of Rikkyo University. We provide support and events for both students who are going to study abroad and students who are coming to study abroad, to become a bridge between international students and Rikkyo and COB students.
For the past few years, we have focused on online events due to pandemics, but with the prospect of resuming international student acceptance this year, we are looking to increase our activities.

Mission・ Vision ・ Value

Supporting both international students and COB students.
To support international students so that they can have a secure life in Japan, to provide information on destinations of study abroad so that COB students who are going to study abroad can go there feeling calm, and to create opportunities for COB students who are interested in study abroad to experience different cultures.

A bridge between Japan and foreign students.
To become an organization that is widely known and relied upon by all students going abroad, students interested in studying abroad, and students coming to study abroad. Accordingly, enhancing the organization from the inside.

Accept all opinions.
Be involved and responsible in all our activities. Challenge everything without fear. Be considerate. Be flexible.


Welcome Party

Welcome parties are held at the beginning of the semesters in April and September when international students come to Rikkyo. Every year, many Rikkyo students and international students join and interact with each other.

Halloween party
毎年10月にCOBBY 1年生が主体となって、ハロウィーンパーティーを開催しています。学部学科の垣根を超えて約70人以上が交流する大規模なイベントです。毎年、仮装をしたりDJに来てもらったりと様々な企画で盛り上がります。
Every year in October, first-year students of COBBY take the initiative of holding a Halloween party. It is a large-scale event where more than 70 people from different departments and faculties get together. Every year, we have a lot of fun with various events such as dressing up in costumes and having a DJ come to the party.

Monthly Events
COBBY holds monthly events for international students and undergraduate students.We have organized events such as mountain climbing, sightseeing tours, and cooking parties. We have always received positive feedback from the participants. If you have any idea or plan for the event you would like to join, plz let us know!
