

Actually I couldn’t focus to study today. I’ve been thinking about university anytime. If I want to go to UK, my original plan has a realistic for me. I will be able to apply for the university without any exam. But I wonder that they have good curriculum that connects to my future. I’ve already read the syllabus, most of their curriculum consists of skills training for theatre. Of course, I always respect craftsman who hold up to the performances but I would like to be a designer, I would like to be a director.

On the other hand, According to the syllabus, NIDA in Sydney have a better curriculum for me than my original plan. I guess, I will be able to study about Dramaturgy and Analysis, Concepts of performance too at there. And they have a lot of scholarship than other universities. This is important for me, I can’t receive almost scholarship because of my age from my country. I have to earn a scholarship at university.

But NIDA has also some concerns for me. Around 60 students belong to the course at now, but it doesn’t belong any international students. And the course is begin at February, I have to wait for about a year since I graduate at language school. The biggest concern for me is even as I can built my career at Australia, I will be able to gain the opportunity to repay for London.The opportunities that connect to West End are limited than when I’m studying at UK.

Anyway, I went to Opera House tonight to see the final performance of The Australian Ballet. The program consists by two works. Circle Electric is so unique. The choreography depicts the flow of electricity. I felt that the choreography depicts the human is controlled by electricity. And also I could see the beauty and ugliness of humanity. We should think again about how to live with electricity, the time is coming soon.
