演劇勉強中の脱サラ30歳。現在シドニーにてホームステイ留学中。 7年間、東京でオペラや…


演劇勉強中の脱サラ30歳。現在シドニーにてホームステイ留学中。 7年間、東京でオペラやクラシック音楽のコンサート、演劇・ダンス作品を創るプロデューサーをしていました。


  • Sydney 留学紀

    2024.4/8-2025.1/31 でのSydney留学記録です

  • ロンドン(ウエストエンド)観劇記録


  • Creating BTF The Musical を読む

    英語で出版された、ミュージカルの制作プロセスの詳細まで紹介されているCreating Back To The Future The Musicalをゆっくり読んでいきます

  • 躁うつ病患者『Next To Normal』を読む

    躁うつ病の妻であり母であるダイアナを主人公としたミュージカル『Next To Normal』。躁うつ病と診断された元劇場プロデューサーが、ロンドンで観劇したうえで、入手した台本を一から読んでいきます。

  • 【英語学習】ディズニー100周年記念名言集を英語で読んでみる

    ウォルト・ディズニー・カンパニー創設100周年を記念して、2023年2月に公式で出版された名言集”The Official WALT DISNEY Quote Book”を使った英語学習記録です。


  • 固定された記事


2024年4月6日。 この日に僕は大量の荷物とともに日本を出国する。 行き先はシドニー。 最終目的地イギリス・ロンドンに向かうための準備期間をこの街で過ごす。 オーストラリアは初上陸になる。 いわゆる西洋芸術や、ショーアップされたミュージカルが好きな僕からすると、これまで眼中になかった国だ。 ではなぜ、シドニーで暮らすのか。 それは、最終目的地ロンドンに向かうために必要なプロセスだったから。 ただそれだけ。 ロンドンには、大学で学び直すために向かう。 イギリスの大学では

    • 世論はどうやって作られたのか? How are the public opinions created? -Musical "Parade"-

      この記事の原文を英語で書いているため(原文は下部に掲載)、Google翻訳による日本語文となっています。 If you want to read in English, you should jump to【Original Text】. ーー 1998年にブロードウェイで初演された「パレード」は、1913年から1915年にかけて実際に起こった事件を描いている。ユダヤ人の工場長レオ・フランクは、アトランタで13歳の従業員を強姦し殺害した罪で告発され、有罪判決を受けた。この

      • Day44

        Today is the beginning of second term at our school. Our textbook and our teacher is changed from today. New teacher is so kind but little easy for me. I haven’t decided to request for changing a class yet but, I would to make decision ti

        • Day43

          Today, I replied a mail for my family. My mother broke her leg’s bones, she has to stay at hospital for rehabilitation a long time. She doesn’t know when it will end. I told them about my future, I wonder to where should I go to study, UK

        • 固定された記事



        • Sydney 留学紀
        • ロンドン(ウエストエンド)観劇記録
        • Creating BTF The Musical を読む
        • 躁うつ病患者『Next To Normal』を読む
        • 【英語学習】ディズニー100周年記念名言集を英語で読んでみる
        • 現地直送!BBCプロムス2023鑑賞記



          Actually I couldn’t focus to study today. I’ve been thinking about university anytime. If I want to go to UK, my original plan has a realistic for me. I will be able to apply for the university without any exam. But I wonder that they have


          Today is the last day of my 1st term. This means that One-6th  of my school life was finished. I could feel progress than 6 weeks ago. The biggest difference is that I don’t think in Japanese language. Sure, I could easier to talk with hos


          Today, I supposed to attend the performance as a member of Drama class. But last night, a student became sick that was caused by food poisoning. We needed to discuss the solution from early morning. I suggested “Divide the roll for acting


          Today, we learned some idioms about love and relationships. I don’t know the all idioms’s means. For example, “apple of someone’s eye”. We can use when depict to special person. “You are the apple of my eye”. I’ll attempt to write this d


          I changed to how to study. I’m using Chat GPT from today. It’s so nice, they always suggest how to improve my sentence, I can study faster than before. By the way, Do you know the difference between circumstance and condition? Chat GPT te

          Don’t tell mama -Cabaret (Musical)-

          lyrics Convert ≈ change/adopt change the form/ character / function of something from Latin vertere “turn” Secluded(seclude) not seen by many people from Convent a Christian community of nuns living together *Convene (Verb) ≈ assembl

          Don’t tell mama -Cabaret (Musical)-


          Today is the beginning of the final week of the 1st term. Topic of this week is “Story” in general class. We talked about fairly tales and created it. But how? We had chosen the fairy tale and we have created the another ending of story.


          Finally, Sunny days were coming from today. I’m glad to go out without an umbrella. I went to laundry in the morning, after that went to Opera house to listen to Australian Chamber Orchestra. The orchestra is performing without conductor.


          I need to take a rest, so I stayed at home. It’s unusual for me. I have always gone to somewhere to see some performances or to study every weekend. And weather forecast predicted rain all day. There’s no reason to go out. I decided to sta


          The Week5 is finished. I felt nervous when this week began. Addition my physical condition was not good in this week. But I could receive good results at exam. I could recover my confidence. Today I could talk with Charlie who is the teach

          Debate Practices vol.1

          A few days ago, my friends who is living in Tokyo and friends while about 10 years texted me "Tell me about your opinions of debate in your class". So, I'll attempt to dig these topics and my opinions at here. We debated about "We shouldn

          Debate Practices vol.1

          So What -Cabaret(Musical)-

          lyrics You say fifty marks, I say one hundred marks A difference of fifty marks Why should that stand in our way? As long as the room’s to let The fifty that I’ll get Is fifty more than I had yesterday, When you’re as old as I Is anyone as

          So What -Cabaret(Musical)-