
本になる人 〈+英訳詞〉

人は皆 人生を編んでいる
知らず識らずのうちに 物語は生まれる
この世には 本になる人がいる
バカだなと思うけれど 少しだけ憧れる

答えなど無いのだと 頭では解っている
だけど ふと 手を休めたときには

あぁ こんな話し 笑って聞いてくれればそれでいい
なんて情けない これ以上無いってくらい格好悪いアイデア
何故だろう まだ上手くは説明出来ないけど
偉大だとか多大だとか重大 そんなドラマを求めてるようでいて
折角生きたこの世界と もっと関わり合いたかった
もっと遊びたかった そんな気持ちのままで
いつかフッと消えてしまうのが 無性に虚しい 無性に悔しい
お墓なんて要らない 位牌も戒名も骨も要らない
物語る価値のある人生 物語る価値のある人生が 欲しくて

僕は今 歌を吐き出している
知らず識らずのうちに 物語は生まれる
そんな聞こえの良い台詞に しがみつく様に

A Life Worth Telling

We all compile our lives
Without knowing it, a story is born
There are people in this world whose biographies are written about
Yes, I think I am foolish. But I yearn those things a little bit

There are lots of tasks of living in front of me
I work with my hands on these things, and I know there are no answers
But when I take a break from it,
All I can do is think about unnecessary things

Oh, if you can just laugh and listen to me on a topic like this, that's fine
What a pathetic, dumb idea that couldn't be any dumber
Why is that? I still can't explain this very well
Greatness, magnificence, importance...
Maybe I am not looking for something dramatic like these
I wish I could have been more involved with this world I've lived in, and I wish I could have played with it more.
It is irresistibly vain and irresistibly frustrating to be left with such a feeling and one day I will vanish in a puff of smoke
I don't want a grave, I don't want a mortuary tablet, a posthumous name, or remains
A life worth telling
I seek a life worth telling …

So I am spitting out a song now
“Without knowing it, stories are being born”
I sing as in clinging to such a nice-sounding phrases

