
October 23, 2023: Health Checkup Results, Something Unexpected Has Come True. (健康診断の結果、瓢箪から駒)

A few days ago, I received the results of my health checkup. I was relieved that they were almost the same as the last year. Nothing wrong with my health was found other than my blood pressure. In fact, I was very concerned about whether I could keep the same result as the last year. Every year since I began to work, I have had health checkups and had been told to change my lifestyle. I had been told that my blood, blood lipids and liver function were above the standards. But I had not done anything special for it because I had thought that no matter what I did, nothing would change. But when I had a checkup last year, I was aware of significant improvements. The test results for my blood, blood lipids and liver function were all within the standards. That was the first time in 25 years. It was a big surprise to me because I had not expected it at all. So, I hoped that I could keep the same result this year, too.
At the same time, I thought about why the results had improved so much. Then, an idea came up to my mind. I found it was thanks to my stretching. I have been doing it for many years with the hope of improvement in my gait. And I changed the way in November 2021 and began to do it more with a balance ball. But it did not help me improve it so much. Instead, it helped me to improve other parts of my body. That is exactly what they say: something unexpected came true!
I will continue the stretching to keep the same condition in my health. But it is not enough and I have to look for other ways to improve my way of walking.




