
November 22, 2022: Sawako Agawa, Lecture (3)(阿川佐和子さん、講演会(3))

She was also impressed with a book. It was by Mayuko Sannomiya and titled "Skies She Learned from Birds." In her childhood, Mayuko was deprived of her sight and began to own a bird. Then, she came to see the state of the sky from the bird’s calls. And she found that birds are like side dishes in nature. In other words, birds are powerless but a must in the natural world. She felt that the natural world would become boring without them. At that time, the phrase came to her mind.
The book made Sawako think that she was happy enough if only there were people who felt lonely without her. It made her feel better that she thought that way. At the end of this lecture, she suggested that what matters most in reading books is to enjoy them. It has nothing to do with how many pages or hours you read. You may stop it only in ten or twenty minutes. That relieved me from telling myself to read books or read more.

 次の出会いは、目が不自由な三宮麻由子さんが書かれた本との出会いです。三宮さんの「鳥が教えてくれた空」という本の中の「箸休め」という言葉で気持ちが軽くなったそうです。三宮さんは、小鳥を飼い始めて、小鳥は「箸休め」のような存在だと感じます。つまり、小鳥は自然界では、か弱く非力だけれど、 小鳥がいなかったら、世界はあじけないものになってしまうと感じ、この言葉が浮かんだそうです。阿川さんはこの本を読んで、自分も「いないと寂しいというくらいの存在になれたら、 十分幸せじゃないかって」と考えるようになったそうです。それからは、気持ちが楽になったそうです。
