
May 13, 2024: Talks with Barber (散髪屋さんとの話)

One day during the long spring holidays, on the 3rd of May, I went to my favourite hairdresser to get my hair cut. It was the first time since I had got my hair cut two months ago. I always get my hair cut by my favourite barber. And I have a lot of talks with him while he is cutting my hair. We usually talk about what is happening around us and what we have heard or seen recently. This time, we talked about May Day and the murder of a couple. On May Day, the 1st of May, we used to see a lot of people march on the streets of my town. But we did not see the march this year. We wondered why they did not do it this year and concluded that it was due to the bad weather. On the day, it rained and was so cold that they must have cancelled the march.
Talking about May Day with him, I remembered the labour unions I had joined in the two companies. Their activities were very different. The one was very active and the union I used to hear about on the news. On May Day, a lot of the union's members used to go to a public meeting where they could interact with union members from other companies. But the other one was quiet and as inactive as the first one. They did nothing on May Day. The day was just one of the long spring holidays.
After that, I talked with the barber about the murder of a middle-aged couple. It seemed to be one of the murders we have often heard about on the news, but not. It was an extraordinary one. We were surprised and horrified that the couple was killed by a group of four members who had no relationship with the couple. One of the members was asked by a mastermind to kill the couple and, in return, was paid a lot of money. The member then gave some of the money to other members to kill the couple. Then, the other members killed the couple with no hesitation. Like me, the barber was extremely surprised by the murder. We could not understand that the group members, who did not know well and had no strong relationship with each other, had killed the couple just for money.


