
December 16, 2023: Colour of Winter (冬の色)

What is the colour that the winter season reminds me of? I would have said it had been white before I suffered from a hip problem. In other words, that is the colour of snow. I loved skiing and seeing snow mountains. So winter was the best season for me. I used to keep my head down in other seasons and save money for skiing in winter. Skiing was so essential that I could not close the year without skiing. I used to go skiing in the year-end holidays when I was single. I also used to go skiing in the French Alps with my wife and daughter when I was in Europe. It was when my daughter was just one year old that I went there for the first time. In retrospect, the journey should have been very tough and boring for my daughter because she could do nothing in the ski resort.
After I got a hip problem, the colour has changed. I am no longer able to ski and have even become afraid of walking on snow. So the colour was no longer white, but it is now blue. Now I love to see the blue sky every morning. I do not always see it. Sometimes, it rains and sometimes, it is cloudy. All the more, I am very happy to see the blue sky in the winter. It gives me energy and lets me get a good start. I usually wake up around 5:00 a.m. At the time, it is still dark, and I do not see the sunlight. So I do some stretching with the curtains closed. About an hour after the stretching, I open the curtains and, on a sunny day, I feel very happy to see the blue sky.
The blue sky is a treasure of the Pacific side of Japan. It gives us energy and makes us happy. I had a tough time in winter when I was in Europe. It was always dark, and I could hardly see the blue sky in winter. It depressed me and I had missed the spring coming with the blue sky.

今では毎朝、青空を見るのが大好きです。いつも見られるわけではありません。雨が降ることもあるし、曇っていることもあります。それだけに、冬に青空を見るととてもうれしくなります。 元気をもらえるし、いいスタートが切れます。朝5時ごろに目が覚めます。その頃はまだ真っ暗なので、カーテンを閉めたままで、ストレッチをします。ストレッチをして1時間後くらいにカーテンを開けると、晴れた日には、青空が見えてとてもうれしい気分になります。
