
July 29, 2023: Somnolent Summer Day(眠い夏の一日)

I felt sleepy and tired all day yesterday. When I woke up in the morning, I did not feel like I had slept well and went back to sleep again. An hour later, I got up and had breakfast. Then, I tried to write an article for "note" on the PC. But I still felt sleepy, and my brain did not work well. I tried to motivate myself and move my body to get rid of the sleepiness. But I still felt so sleepy that I could not focus.
So I gave up writing an article and went back to bed again around 10:00 a.m. Then, I fell asleep without noticing it and woke up about an hour later. But I was still drowsy and unable to clear my head. So I decided to do nothing and had been laid on a sofa or bed all the day. And I felt sleepy again around 21:00 p.m. and went to bed again. Then I fell asleep at once. I must have been tired from the summer heat.


