
December 26, 2023: Strange Strength (不思議な力)

I have been very busy this month, December, as I have been working as a contract worker for a company. But I am finally over the peak and can relax for the next few days. Among the busy days in December, I had a day on which I worked very hard all the day. On that day, I was surprised to see that I still had enough inner and outer strength to work. I worked for nineteen hours from 4:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. During that time, I only focused on the company’s work and did nothing but to have all the meals. When I finished, I was a little tired but fulfilled at having done it.
But it is very strange that I still have such strength and a sense of fulfilment at the company’s work. I was already retired and now I am just a contract worker with a salary cut to less than half. Nevertheless, I have still done the same work as before. And I have still used the same strength for it as before. In theory, this cannot happen because I am working too hard for less money. I do not know why, but something else must have motivated me to work so hard. It may be because I hate losing or still would like to show the company that I am still competent enough to work at the company. Or I have done so to satisfy myself.
In any case, it is time to save using my time and strength. Whatever I do, I cannot expect the company to improve my compensation. Instead, I should use my time and strength to write articles. Then I can have more chances to create a new me.


