
November 1, 2023: Akashiya Sanma-san’s New Play (明石家さんまさんの新公演)

That might be a bit of an exaggeration. Tomorrow, November 2, is the day that will tell me my fortune for the next year. If I have good luck, I can see Akashiya Sanman-san live soon. I registered for a chance to get a ticket for his play in January, and I will see the result tomorrow. If I get it, it will be the first time I have seen him in four years, which tells me that I will have a good start in a good start in 2024.
Four years ago, I went to a theatre in Tokyo to see Sanma-san’s play ‘Shichiten-Batto, Totsuka-Shuku’. It was a serious play that was on stage with Akiyoshi Nakao, Atushi Yamanishi and others. But it was not only serious but also very funny. During the play, Sanma-san created a lot of scenes which made me laugh a lot. In the coming January, he is putting a new play, ‘Ikaruga no Oji-Shotokutaishi Den’, on stage. Like the previous one, it must be a serious and funny play, because he is reunited with his former partners. It is also the one first performed in the new theatre, IMM Theater. It is Sanma-san that gives the name to the theatre. So, the play must be more enjoyable than the previous ones and I cannot miss it. I really hope to get the ticket.
I also want to see another play, ‘Konkai mo Conte Dake’, in the theater. It is the best and most funny play I have ever seen. But it has not been played since 2014. In any case, I expect to have more chance to see Sanma-san’s plays in the theater and will go to see him as often as possible.

 4年前、さんまさんの舞台「七転抜刀! 戸塚宿」を観に東京の劇場に行きました。中尾明慶さんや山西惇さんらが共演する真面目なお芝居でした。でも、真面目だけでなく、とても面白かったです。劇中、さんまさんは笑いを誘うシーンをたくさん作ってくれました。来年1月には、新作の「斑鳩の王子 -戯史 聖徳太子伝-」が上演されます。前作同様、前回のパートナーも出演します。きっと、真面目で笑える芝居になるでしょう。この作品は、新劇場IMMシアターのこけら落とし公演でもあります。劇場の名前をつけたのもさんまさんです。ということで、この芝居は、今まで以上に楽しめるはずです。チケットが当たるのを祈るばかりです。



