
January 26, 2023: New Drama by TBD, "I Should Have Said It to You a Million Times"(ドラマ、『100万回 言えばよかった』)

It has been a few weeks since new dramas for the winter season have been on the air. I have almost watched the first episodes of the dramas that aired at 21:00 or 22:00. Among them is "I Should Have Said It to You a Million Times," which has attracted me the most. It is on the air by TBS at 22:00 every Friday. The star is Mao Inoue, and the co-stars are Takeru Sato and Kenichi Matsuyama. Mao and Takeru have been a couple. But Takeru suddenly became a ghost. As a result, he went away from her and failed to talk with Mao directly while he could see her. Then, Takeru finds that Kenichi can see and talk with him. So he asks Kenichi to mediate between Mao and him. Kenichi could not say no to it and is reluctant to support them.
In the beginning, Mao was at a loss since she could not understand the weird situation. But she gradually gets used to it. And Mao begins to talk with Takeru through Kenichi. The interactions are very humorous and make me laugh.

  冬の新ドラマが始まって数週間がたちました。9時か10時に始まる新ドラマはほぼすべて見ました。その中で、一番面白そうなのが、金曜日の10時からTBSで放送されている『100万回 言えばよかった』です。井上真央さんが主演で、佐藤健さんと松山ケンイチさんが共演されています。真央さんと健さんが恋人同士なのですが、健さんが幽霊になってしまい、真央さんと会話ができなくまります。その二人をサポートするのが警察官役の松山ケンイチさんです。ケンイチさんは、なぜか幽霊の健さんを認識でき、会話もできます。そのことに気付いた健さんが、ケンイチさんに真央さんとの仲介役を依頼します。ケンイチさんは、断れず、真央さんと健さんの間に立って話をつなぐなどのサポートをします。
