
December 17, 2022: Value of the Sun, the Netherlands(お日様のありがたみ、オランダ)

It was not until I moved to the Netherlands that I found out how great the sun is. The country always has cold and dark winters. It has cloudy or stormy weather without the sun in winter. When it was occasionally clear, it got so cold that the canals froze. I'd never seen such clear skies and sunshine in winter as I did in Japan. I was extremely depressed during the first winter. But as time went by, I got used to the weather and was psyched when spring came. When winter has gone, we say in English, "Spring has sprung" or "Spring is here." I was aware of their meanings only when I lived in the Netherlands. When spring sprung, I was always very excited, which I had never experienced in Japan. I used to miss spring in the dark and cold winter and was psyched when I had a clear and sunny day in spring.

冬のお日様のありがたみは、オランダに住んではじめてわかりました。オランダの冬は寒く暗いです。お日様のない曇った日や雨風の強い日がほとんどです。たまに晴れると、すごく寒く、運河が凍るほどでした。日本のように日が差し、青空を見ることはありませんでした。住み始めた最初の年は、気分が滅入りました。でも、住んでいるうちに、この天気にも段々なれてきます。そして、春が来ると心が浮き浮きとします。冬がすぎると、英語で「Spring has sprung.」や「Spring is here.」という表現を使います。オランダに住んでみてこの言葉の意味がよく分かりました。春が来ると心が浮き浮きとします。日本では味わったことのない感覚です。寒く暗い冬は、春が待ち遠しく、春の晴れた日が来るとウキウキしたものです。
