
June 10, 2022: My Ageing Town, Losing Barbershop, Winning Massage Shops, (ボクの街の高齢化、負け組の理容店、勝ち組のマッサージ店)

     Like the master of my favourite barbershop and me, my town is getting older, too. The barbershop is suffering a decrease in customers. It fails to acquire new customers. It is losing the old customers on whom it relies, too. Some of them have been unable to come to it with age or have passed away.
     On the other hand, massage shops are booming, which mirrors my ageing town. A lot of new massages shops have begun their businesses in my town. I received a flyer for a new shop yesterday, too. I have about ten shops within a five-minute walk of my home. Massage business is thriving far better than any other business in my town. Services that my town hopes for are changing with the times.

