
April 16, 2023: Blue Mood, Bleeding from the bottom (2/6)(暗い気分、下血(2/6))


When I bled from the bottom, I lost my head and was about to faint. So, I sat on the toilet for a while. Then, the bleeding came to a halt, and I rushed to bed to lie down. My wife was also shocked to see what had happened to me and asked me if she should call 119. But I stayed in bed for about an hour without calling 119. Then, I calmed down and never had any more bleeding. In the meantime, as the toilet and my clothes were smeared with my blood, my wife cleaned the toilet and washed my clothes. She searched online for the clinics in my town to find one with a gastroenterologist. As a result, she found one in about ten minutes drive, and we went to see the doctor. After I explained to the doctor that I had bled from the bottom about an hour ago, he suspected haemorrhoids and examined my bowel with a fiberscope. But he did not find haemorrhoids. Instead, my illness was diagnosed as suspected diverticular bleeding. And he suggested that I go to a hospital where I could have more detailed examinations. Eventually, I got only a referral letter from the doctor and came back home. I could not eliminate the anxiety.


