
January 9, 2024: Organizer(手帳)

Around this time of the year, I am always tempted to try using a paper organizer. But I always give it up without buying the one. I know that I cannot make full use of it. In the first place, I am very bad at writing letters. I cannot write letters small enough to fit into an 8 x 10 inch or smaller organizer. So I am unable to write my appointments by hand in the space of the appropriate day of the calendar. I had ever tried it. But my letters were so big that they spread out of the space and I could not see on what day the appointment is made. And my handwriting is so strange that sometimes, even I cannot understand what I have written when I read it again. So I am not motivated to re-read them and they make no sense.
When I was in Europe, I tried using diaries a couple of times. The first one was an organizer by Time System, a Danish company. At that time, Time System’s ones were very famous and popular with businessmen. I happened to get it as a gift from my Finish customer and began to use it. I tried to make full use of it for one month and took notes on everything in the organizer. But it was so complicated that I could not make full use of it. I had to write the same thing several times on different pages, which was too wasteful for me to bear. So I gave it up.
A few years later, I was tempted to use an organizer again and I bought an A4-size dairy from FILOFAX, a British company. It was better than the Time System’s but each day of the calendar still did not have good enough space to keep my letters within the space. So I gave it up again.
I tried an organizer even after I came back to Japan. I bought a Time System's one, but I did not use it at all. The year went away without writing any letters on the organizer. It was my worst experience relating to diaries.
This time, I had better wait for a few more weeks and I will lose my interest in using diaries.

この時期になると、紙の手帳を使ってみたくなります。でも、いつも買わずに止めてしまいます。使いこなせないのがわかっているためです。そもそも、ボクは字が下手で、8 x 10インチより小さい手帳に収まるような小さな字を書くことができないのです。そのため、カレンダーの該当する日のスペースに手書きで予定を書き込むことができないのです。手帳を試したことはあります。でも、字が大きすぎてスペースからはみ出してしまい、予定の日がわからなくなってしまうのです。 それに、ボクの字はとても変で、読み返すと何を書いたのか自分でもわからないことがあります。そのため、読み直す気にもならず、手帳が意味をなさないのです。

