
Kawagoe Activities

Greeting from Chabudai Guesthouse in Kawagoe!
Let me introduce our recommendation activities in Kawagoe! You can try many activities here! Please check the table of contents below!

目次 Table of contents

▼人力車 Rickshaw 

 日時:不定休 9:30am〜5:30pm
   (季節によって変動あり It depends on season.)

Why don’t you look around Kawagoe with a rickshaw? Rickshaw man will be your wonderful guide! You can learn about Kawagoe and enjoy the scenery of Kawagoe! 


▼醤油蔵見学@川越松本醤油 Matumoto Craft Soy Sauce Factory Tour

 日時:土日祝 1:00pm~・2:00pm~・3:00pm~

Matsumoto Craft Soy Sauce of Kawagoe has over 250 years of rich history.
There is a free factory tour, you can experience the amazing world of how their soy sauce is created with all of your senses. The tour takes about 20 min.
Business hours: 9am-6pm.  (Matsumoto-Soy sauce shop)

Website: https://www.hatsukari.co.jp/

▼利き酒体験 Sake tasting

1.小江戸蔵里 KOEDO  KURARI 
 営業時間 (Business hours):11:00am - 7:00pm

At KOEDO KURARI, you can enjoy tasting 35 kinds of sake from all breweries in Saitama, which is the 4th largest sake producer in Japan. 

COEDO KURARI :https://www.machikawa.co.jp/sake

2.河越酒店 Kawagoe Saketen 
 営業時間 (Business hour):11:00am - 5:00pm

At Kawagoe Saketen, you can enjoy tasting all kinds of Kagamiyama which is  Kawagoe craft Japanese sake! 

Kawagoe saketen:https://kawagoe-ichibangai.com/store/kawagoe-saketen/

Each shop, the coin-style vending machine offers you a small cup of sake! 500 yen-coin for 3 small cups, so it means you can taste 3 different kinds of Sake! If you love Sake, why don’t you try it!?

▼縁結び玉@川越氷川神社    Match-making (Marriage) stone

You can get this special match-making stone at Hikawa shrine. You have to get a ticket which is handed out from 6am. And then the ticket can change to the stone at 8am. (If you don’t have the ticket, you cannot get it) A guest from overseas said “I need a marriage stone because I couldn’t get it last year”. Some guests call the stone “marriage stone” because it is good for marriage… maybe…?lol

Website: https://www.kawagoehikawa.jp/#/omamori/

▼川越きものの日 The day of KIMONO in Kawagoe

 日時:毎月8日、18日、28日(The 8th, 18th, 28th of every month) 

The 8th, 18th, and 28th are KIMONO days in Kawagoe! You can get some discount service if you wear KIMONO!
ex: Museum, Art Museum, Kawagoe Castle, Kawagoe festival Museum, and some buses!

▼呑龍デー@蓮馨寺 Donryu-day

 日時:毎月8日(The 8th of every month) 8:00am-2:00pm

The 8th of every month at 8am - 2pm, there is a Festival Market which is called “Donryu-day” at Renkeiji-temple! There are some stalls for food, clothes, antiques…etc! Not only local people but also tourists can enjoy this market for sure! 

MAP: https://maps.app.goo.gl/4zNTA8AUEsuRdr2m7

▼蚤の市@成田山川越別院 Flea Market

 日時:毎月28日(The 28th of every month) 5:00am-2:00pm

The 28th of every month at 5am-2pm, there is a Flea Market at Naritasan Kawagoe Betsu-in Temple! More than 100 stalls will open selling antique, used clothes, and other items! It is a very lively market every month!

MAP: https://g.co/kgs/qH2Ckoh

▼スカラ座 Kawagoe Scalaza

 定休日:火・水(Close: Tuesday, Wednesday)

Kawagoe Scalaza is a movie theater that has been established since 1905 in Kawagoe. You can feel like you are going to time travel.


▼お箸づくり体験@唐木木工 Chopstick Making Workshop

 営業時間 (Business hours)
 平日 (Weekday) 0:30pm‐6:00
 土日祝 (Holiday) 10:30am-6:00pm

You can make your original chopstick! You can choose your favorite wood, cut and round off the corners. Use sandpaper to create the chopsticks into your desired shape. Finally, do oil coating and finish! Why don’t you try it? Let’s make your only chopstick in the world! 


▼あい鯛みくじ@川越氷川神社 Aitai Mikuji (Fortune Ticket)

This is one of the famous and unique fortune tickets in Kawagoe. In Japanese ,“AitaI” is the meaning of  “I want to see you”, and also “Tai” means “Sea bream”.So it is a kind of wordplay. That’s why the shape of this fortune ticket is Sea bream (Fish). You need to fish and try to get it! There are different meanings for each color of it. (Ex, pink = love)

MAP: https://maps.app.goo.gl/bTz7r6WeS56n8dMf8]

▼お煎餅づくり体験@十人十色 Rice Cracker Making Workshop

 営業時間:10:00am - 5:00pm

You can make Rice Cracker by yourself! It depends on how big your Rice Cracker is, you can get a five-grade evaluation sheet. ( Trainee, beginner, experienced person, master, superman) Why don’t you try it and become a superman!?

Website: https://www.juunintoiro.com/

▼ガラスアート体験@Blue moon Glass art Making Workshop

 営業時間 (Business hours)
 10:00am - 6:00pm 水曜定休 (Close: Wednesday)

Why don’t you try glass blowing? You can make a cup, a vase, a chopstick rest, a pendant… and so on. It can be enjoyed by everyone from children to adults. And also you can choose color and pattern. Let’s make your original glass art!

Website: https://kawagoe-bluemoon.studio.site/

▼トルコランプ作り@トルコバザール Making Turkish Lamp

 営業時間 (Business hours)
 10:00am - 6:00pm 火曜定休 (Close: Teusday)

While learning Turkish history and culture, why don’t you make your original Turkish Lamp? According to your image or design, You can choose traditional materials. And Turkish Lamp craftsmen teach us how to make it!

Website: https://torukobazaaru.jp/workshop/

▼飴細工@菓子屋横丁 Candy art Making

 営業日 (Business days):不定期 Temporary Open

不定期に菓子屋横丁にてOPENする飴細工屋さん、【江戸飴細工 鈴木】。自分で飴を膨らませる、飴風船を作る体験ができちゃいます!また、店頭では馬や白鳥などの動物を、その場であめ細工を実演販売してくれたりも!細かい手仕事には感動です!
【Edo-Amezaiku Suzuki】which is located in Penny Candy Lane. It is temporarily open. You can make Candy-balloon by yourself. And also candy-making craftsmen do demonstration sales of making beautiful candy like horse, swan… some animals. It is amazing detailed handicraft work!

MAP: https://g.co/kgs/2S6orNN

▼EFT English Friendly Town Kawagoe

 営業日 (Business days)
 第二日曜日 (Second Sunday) 11:30am - 3:30pm 

EFT offers free walking tours in English by our certified volunteer guides on the second Sundays every month. (At Kawagoe festival museum and Kajimachi Square)  Each tour takes about 30 min, No reservation required. Kawagoe has many attractions, so it can be difficult to choose what to see, especially if you are only visiting for 1 day!
To help you get started, these are some recommendations to help you explore Kawagoe!

Website: https://eftkawagoe.jp/

▼里神楽 Experience the sacred dance “Kagura”

 毎月第2・第4金曜日 18:30~ Every 2nd & 4th Friday 6:30pm~

Sato Kagura is the oldest performing art in Japan to pray to God and convey blessings to people. It is a special experience where you can experience the traditional performing art that has been most familiar to Japanese people.

Website: https://saitama-supportdesk.com/ja/experiences/private-satokagura-local-sacred-folk-dance-experience-in-koedo-kawagoe/

▼川越ローカルツアー Kawagoe Local Tour


Mai, who is a staff member of Chabudai guesthouse, organizes the Kawagoe Local Walking Tour! Sometimes we have Sushi work shop, traditional Japanese dinner time, etc… If you are interested in this tour, please let us know! We can organize Special Kawagoe Tour for you!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mai_laugh_maker_/
