
Episode 1 Anti-Hero

"Stop that cash truck."

Ire Sugawara and his colleague Umine Ishibashi drive a cash transport vehicle.
Chase down the attacked hero, meet your friends along the way
When we met up, her senior and leader Shion Kurashima was there.
He said over the radio, ``Today is your first mission, so do it well.'' Both Ire and Umin recognized the happy voice that came over the radio. absolutely
I can't fail.
The truck carrying Shion Kurashima moves backwards. The cash transport vehicle enters the highway,
Destroy the ETC bar and advance nonstop. Ire and Umion's truck follows behind.
"Okay, Umino, I'd like you to drive me for a bit."
"Okay. Be careful."
Open the door behind the driver's seat and step inside.
Two mechanics and a support AI robot look at me.
"If you want to use a powered suit, it's always fine."
Ire sees a young mechanic wearing white jumpsuits and three powered suits.
"I've never seen this before."
"That's right, these three are powered suits that we developed in-house."
Another mechanic comes to talk to Ire.
She is wearing an orange jumpsuit instead of a white one. His name is Yama-san, and he is a 30-year maintenance veteran.
He is respected by young mechanics.
Of course, I respect Ire and Kaito as well.
"Mr. Yama, can I use your powered suit?"
"Oh, then use the red power suit."
Mr. Yama points at the red-based power suit, and Ire touches the red metallic body.
"got it."
When I stand in front of the red power suit, I put it on like a puzzle piece.
"Listen, this power suit has power and speed, but it also has weaknesses."
"Weak point?" "Ah, as much as we increased our power and speed, our armor is more fragile. So, let's decide in a short period of time, okay?"
Irei nods at his words, ``Open the wind side.'' He opens it slowly, then jumps vigorously.
Start running like roller skates.
"What? Hey, look at that."
When I lean out from the passenger seat of the cash transport vehicle and look behind me, I also see the hero riding in the cash transport vehicle behind me.
“Hey, this is terrible, what are we going to do?”
Voice, the hero who manipulates sound, tightens the neck of the android who is driving, and the android's right back fist hits him cleanly in the face, causing Voice to fall on his back.
"I can't help it, I guess I'll go, hey, Slicer."
Slicer sitting in passenger seat attacks cash transport vehicle
He is the leader of the griffons, causing confusion in the world at first. "Oh, I asked for it. Asphals."
He slips through the cars and sees a cash transport vehicle right in front of him.
"Oh, that's it, I can't let you go any further."
Suddenly, an asphalt wall appears, cars crash into it one after another, it bursts into flames, people abandon their cars and run away, and the area turns into a hellscape.
"Who are you?"
Appearing from the asphalt wall. A tall man wearing a gray suit grins eerily.
"My name is Asphals, and on the leader's orders.
I'll stop you in your tracks. Don't feel bad. ”
"Get out of the way, you lowly bastard!" In an instant after shouting, Asphals appeared in front of Ire, kicking him in the stomach with such force that Ire was sent flying, and Ire was hit by a car.
"Ah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, isn't this guy a lowly petty fish? I let my guard down."
"A lowly minnow? There are no minnows among the Gryphon members."
Irei slowly stands up and takes a fighting pose.
"You're a member of the Griffon, right? That's just the way it is. If that's the case, I won't go easy on you."
"That's my line. And I'm sure you're from that legendary hero."
"Don't say any more, don't say any more."
Point his right hand at the opponent and fire a small missile,
Asphalt hit, blast and burning cars
The smell of gasoline fills the whole area.
"Did you do it?" The moment his right hand slowly lowered down.
A hand made of muddy asphalt grabs Ire's power suit.
"Whew, it's dangerous, it's dangerous, I almost got killed. That's a shame."
"Fuck, let go, let go, come on."
Asphals looks at Ire strangely.
"Throw away that power suit. You're strong, but it's a waste. Ugh, what? Ah, ah..."
Asphals lets go of his grip on Ire.
Ire, who had fallen on his back, stood up and looked behind him to see Umino standing there holding a rifle.
"Are you okay? Ire" "Ah, it's okay."
Ire is dizzy, Kaito is supporting her, and right in front of her is Asphals, who is struggling terribly.
"What did you do to me? Argh."
"It's still a prototype, but it's extremely effective. Come on, attach this to him quickly."
Throw the silver rope hanging from your thigh to Irei.
"Hey, what is this? Is it a rope?"
Ire approaches the struggling Asphals with a silver rope, and when the silver rope jumps onto Asphals, it becomes entangled like a snake.
"Shit, what the hell is this?"
The secret anti-hero weapon developed by his company was successful in capturing Asphals, and the thought of what would have happened without the secret weapon sent a shiver down his spine.
Kaito tried to put Asphals behind the car.
Just as I was about to pick it up, I heard the sound of sirens. When several police cars stop, the sirens stop.
A police officer slowly comes out of the car, but inside
A tall, blond man wearing a black suit walks towards Ire and Kaon.
"You did it quite spectacularly. Huh? Sugawara? Isn't that Sugawara Ire?"
What is it? Isn't it Garcia? It's been a while. How have you been? ”
The blonde man's name is Ito Garcia, and he is a member of earthSHIELD, an organization established by the government to counter heroes.
He is an agent and a classmate of mine from junior high school.
He and Garcia often hung out together, and they often did bad things together. Such Ire and Garcia
The two of us have gone our separate ways and are now human. defense.
agency employee and the other is an earth.SHIELD agent.
“Hey, Ire, who is this guy?” Umino says.
"Nice to meet you. I'm an agent of EarthSHIELD, a government organization, and my name is Ito Garcia. Please take care of me."
When I handed my business card to Kaito, he looked at it intently.
Ito Garcia takes out a cigarette from his pocket, puts it in his mouth, and lights it with a lighter.
"On a different topic, would you please hand him over to me?"
As I let out a puff of cigarette smoke, the police officer who had been waiting behind me came forward.
In his hands he holds a special gun and a baton.
If you give the signal at any time, you can attack.
Seeing this, Ire and Kaito brace themselves.
"Garcia, what does this mean?"
When I throw away the cigarette I was smoking, I muffle it with my foot.
"That's exactly what I mean. Give it to me."
Ito Garcia with no expression
"What are you going to do if you don't give it to me?"
"I'll just take it away, even if I have to force it."
A white-haired man and a female secretary with long black hair stood behind the police officers, clapping their hands.
"I was disappointed in you when I came to your senses and found out that you were ahead of me. Garcia-kun."
When Garcia and the police officer turned around, they were surprised and immediately
A police officer cleared the way for them, and a white-haired man and a black-haired female secretary, Garcia, walked along with their heads bowed.
“Director Alicia, I apologize.”
The female secretary standing next to Alicia stares at Ire.
She seems to have noticed something, and when she whispers to Director Alicia, Alicia makes a look on her face that she noticed.
"You seem to be the son of that famous legendary hero, but is that true?"
Ire reacts loudly to those words.
"Don't say anything more. If you say anything more, I'll kill whoever it is."
As she points her right arm at Director Alicia, ``Stop it, Ire.'' Umine lowers her right arm, grabs both of her shoulders in her power suit with both of her hands, and speaks to her quietly.
"Ire, calm down. Listen, I'm sorry, but it's too bad for me." "What are you saying?"
When Umion stepped in front of Ire, she said, ``Um, is that okay?
I'm going to give this one to you guys, so that's fine, right? ”
She drags her foot down the asphalt and places it in front of Director García Alicia. The asphalt was flapping wildly, and when I tapped his palm twice, he looked dazed.
The police officers pick up Asphals and throw it into the trunk of a police car.
"Ire, I will take responsibility. You did nothing wrong, nothing."
Seeing Kaito's face that looked like she had bitten a bitter worm, Ire came to her senses and put her hand on Kaiton's shoulder, saying, "Enough, Kaiton. I'll get angry with you too." I already gave it to you, so it’s okay, man.”
A female secretary gets angry when someone calls her an old man.
“You, please withdraw your abusive language towards Alicia-sama right now.”
"I don't mind, just tell me your name at the end." She paused for a moment, "Ire Sugawara."
Smiling, she turned her body towards the parked car and said, ``Ire Sugawara, I'll see you somewhere soon. Let's go home.'' With Director Alicia's crane voice, the police officers all got into their patrol cars at the same time. Inside, Ito Garcia
He was confronting Ire and Umin.
"Ire, why don't you play a hero?"
Ire Sugawara stares at Ito Garcia without saying a word.
"Hey, Garcia, stop it."
Garcia leans closer to his face and says, ``When I was in elementary school, your father saved my life. That legendary hero. From that day on, I wanted to be a hero, but the reality is ruthless. I'm just... You can't become a hero because you're a hero.Compared to that, you're the hero's son.When I found out about that, I was jealous of you, and that hasn't changed.Ire, don't waste that ability.Well. , that's not what I'm saying, but that's it."
Director Alicia and her female secretary get into the car and drive away.
Ire and Umin stood there for a while, and...
Umion's smartphone rings.
When I took out my smartphone from her pants, pressed the call button, and put it to her ear, I heard a yell.
"Ire/Kanon, what are you doing now? Please come back soon. Is the president really angry? What have you guys done?"
Chief Isabel Someya Yuko is Kurashima's boss.
She is a smart person and popular, but she is the type of person that Ire and Umin don't like. The reason for this is something that happened soon after I joined the company. "You're that hero's son, right?"
While I was drinking coffee at the rest area, Isabel Someya Yuko spoke to me.
The insensitive comment irritates her, but she finishes her coffee without saying a word, crushes her paper cup, and throws it in her trash can.
“If so, what is it?”
Irei says bluntly,
``It's a waste, isn't it? Not using the hero's power.'' Again, I sigh at the usual question. People often ask me if I am the son of a hero.
Why doesn't a hero's son do hero activities? I get asked these two questions a lot.
Ire disliked Isabel Someya Yuko who said those two things.
As she was rushing back to work, she looked out the window of her truck.
While looking at the scenery, I hear a loud explosion.
She suddenly feels sleepy and falls asleep.
Thirty minutes later, she was in the human.defense.agency parking lot.
When she arrives, she shakes the sleeping Ire by the shoulders. ``Wake up, we've arrived.'' Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Ire got out of the truck and yawned as he and Umin entered the entrance of the company, passing by the company's clerks and security guards bowing. and get on the elevator
When she arrived at the tenth floor, where the president's office was located, the escalator door opened and the president's secretary, Catherine Hirano, was standing there. "We've been waiting for you, please come here."
Guided by her secretary to the president's office, her secretary knocks on the door. "I brought you two." "Come inside."
When I entered the president's office, I found the president, Genzaburo Aida, Yuko Sometani, the leader, Shion Kurashima, and several members.
``Excuse me.'' When they enter the president's office, everyone's eyes turn to Ire and Umin. ``Finally, you've arrived, so let's talk. Shion Kurashima, you made us do today's mission alone.'' Is that true?”
“Oh, that’s right,” the president said one after another to the other members.
I keep telling the story, but no one tells me the truth. The female secretary, who was watching the series of exchanges, started talking while flipping through the documents she had in hand.
"They made us do a mission that we would never have done on our first mission. This is a serious violation. It is an act that seriously damages the reputation of our company."
After saying that, he glared at Kurashima and her members.
Kurashima and her members look down.
“Then, shall I listen to you slowly?”
When Ire and Kaon leave the president's office, they hear yelling coming from the president's office, but they don't turn around and walk to the elevator and try to get on the elevator, but when Kaon says, "Let's go down the stairs," Ire reluctantly goes down the stairs. start.
She made a steady sound,
Unsatisfied, Ire later asked the president's secretary why he had done such a thing, and was told, ``I think he did this because he didn't like you two.''
The president's secretary said in an astonished tone,
I couldn't say anything about that stupid reason.
She didn't want to say no.
She quickly descended from the tenth floor to the first floor.
She hurried to the locker room, and when she entered the room, she quickly changed into her civilian clothes.
"What should we do after this? It's still early to go home, right? There's a nice store, so let's go."
Umino talks with a grin, and although they haven't known each other for a long time, she knows that times like this are troublesome, but Ire doesn't feel like going home today.
"Ah, that's right, let's go."
After Ire and Kaito left the locker room, they walked down the hallway, passed through the entrance, went outside, and got on a motorcycle parked in the parking lot, where Ire put on the helmet she was holding in her right hand. Umion puts on her helmet as well, and she starts her bike first, followed by Ire's bike.

On the other hand, the director, Alicia, and her secretary, Ito Garcia, are riding in a black luxury Benz, several police cars are guarding the front and rear of the luxury Benz, and there are regular cars driving on the highway. sense that
I'm keeping my distance.
Director Alicia rubbed her chin and said, "Garcia-kun. Are you friends with that girl? We were talking friendly." "In a friendly way..." Ito Garcia's words were slurred.
"You are an excellent man who carries Earth.SHIELD on your back, which is why I performed that surgery. You understand what this means, right?"
She flinched for a moment under the pressure of her female secretary's words.
When she picked up the installed phone,
``Director, please hurry up and run away. Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!'' The phone went off with a scream, and at the same time an explosion was heard from behind.
"What is that? No way."
When I stuck my head out the window and looked behind me, I saw someone.
It flies towards the Benz with three people in it.
When one of the police cars protecting the Benz stopped,
When I took out the RPG from the trunk, I loaded it with bullets.
Several other police cars responded with RPGs and submachine guns.
``Why do I have to deal with these people?'' The fired bullet floats in the air. When he waved his hand, the bullets flew like spears, turning the police car into a beehive, and all the police officers were hit, falling to the ground and dying.
The RPG bullet hits a car in the opposite lane, and the exploding car bursts into flames.
Ito Garcia looks serious when he closes the window.
“Director Alicia, please let me use that, just like this.”
The female secretary took out a duralumin case from behind her, opened it in front of her, and was handed a metal armor with a mixture of red and black.``Put this on your arm.''
There is a clock that controls the metal armor, and it seems that if I have this device anywhere, the armor will come flying at me, but right now I was more worried about whether I would be able to use this armor properly.
Director Alicia sensed his anxiety and said, ``You can master it, believe in yourself.''
He put his hand on Garcia's shoulder.
When I nod at his words, the top of the car opens, and I climb up and slowly stand up. The strong wind messes up his hair and suit. I'd like to finish this without using armor if possible. I can't stop sweating if only it could be resolved peacefully. As I wiped the sweat from my hands on my suit and put on the steel gloves I had kept in my pockets, a man wearing a blue cloak and a blue mask appeared a few meters ahead of me.
"Are you a friend of the captured hero?"
With a faint smile on his face, he narrowly dodged Ito Garcia's rush towards him. "What, you're just a human? You're such a pain." "Who are you?"
The man in the blue cloak folds his arms and laughs loudly.
"My name is Wind Mills, and if you don't want to die, I'll give you my friends back."
Ito Garcia takes a fighting stance as Wind Mills shows his white teeth and provokes him. ``I refuse, and it's convenient for me. Since Nokonoko came from there, it will save me the trouble of catching him.''
Wind Mills' face twitched at those words.
``Ah, I'm mad, I'm going to kill you.'' At the same time as his anger, a whirlpool of wind arose, and within seconds the whirlpool turned into a gigantic tornado, swallowing up Ito and Garcia and moving on. A few minutes later, the gigantic tornado stopped at an unmanned baseball dome, and Ito-Garcia fell from several tens of meters to the ground, but when he regained his balance in the air and landed on the field, he looked up at the sky and saw that Wind Mills was slowly falling below him. Get off and stand on the ground.
"Here, we can fight without hesitation. Let's go."
As I took a breath in and exhaled, Ito Garcia's body was hit with an explosion, and intense pain ran through me. What, what happened? Did the breath you just breathed hit your body?
I glanced over and saw that there was a large hole in the suit.
The lightweight protector worn inside the suit
It had been destroyed to pieces. Also the belly part
That's a lie, the latest protector that won't break even if a statue steps on it or a 10-ton truck runs over it is so easy to use.
I suddenly had no more room to move, and my legs were shaking.
Holding down his trembling legs, he turned his head at full speed in order to break out of this situation.
The back of the suit always has weapons for use against heroes.
A telescopic club, a modified stun gun with 8 million volts, habanero spray to block the opponent's movements, smoke bombs, and a special survival knife for use against heroes.
Now, how can we defeat this guy with the weapons we have now?
As I was keeping my distance and turning my head again, Wind Mills said, ``Tch, what is this guy, he didn't die from the attack just now? But I'll make it easier next time.'' Wind Mills said. As he begins to take a breath, he says, ``Let me do it.''
He takes out a modified stun gun from the back of his suit.
I dashed to close the gap and pressed the modified stun gun firmly against his chest.
The effect is so great that Wind Mills stumbles momentarily and lands on his left knee.
"Did it work? Now."
As he takes three steps back, he suddenly feels pain in his left arm.
A yellow arrow pierces his protector, and he tries to pull it out, but an electric current runs through him.
"Shit, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
When she forcibly pulls out his arrow, it also pierces his right leg, but she quickly pulls out the arrow in his right leg.
Damage from the stun gun remained.
Wind Mills stood up slowly and walked towards Ito Garcia, swaying from side to side and saying, ``I let my guard down, and when I try to push someone like this, this me...this me...''
When I let out a beast-like roar, a small whirlpool of wind
Appears around Wind Mills and quickly grows into a huge cyclone, destroying the roof of the baseball dome.
A cyclone approaches "That's a lie, come on."
Ito Garcia escapes, but Cyclone is gradually cornered.
"Run, run, here."
Smirking, Wind Mills is a high-flying show, and if it continues like this, it will be destroyed. Do I have no choice but to use this? Staring at the watch device on his wrist,
I had no choice but to use it. he presses the button
"Hey, I pressed the button, but it's not coming yet."
When I spoke to her over the communicator, the female secretary said, ``He just flew away. He'll be there in three minutes, so be patient.''
This was probably the only time that the remaining three minutes felt like a long time. Rather than that
Something bad happened, that was one thing.
There were three Cyclones, and Ito Garcia was cornered in the corner of the baseball dome. "It's over, die."
Ito Garcia disappears into the cyclone
The cyclone then crashed into the audience seats, and a few minutes later, the cyclone disappeared.
"It's okay if you're making things difficult."
The moment I jumped and tried to fly into the sky
"Where are you going? It's not over yet."
When I looked up at the sound of the voice, Ito Garcia was standing there. He was wearing a red and black metallic suit. "What, you idiot? You should have been hit by my cyclone, but you're still doing it."
Now it's my turn, let's go. He swooped down from the sky and tackled Wind Mills, punching him left and right and roundhouse kicking him, before slamming into the ground with great force.
When he got to the ground, he walked slowly and grabbed the fallen Wind Mills by the collar.
"Would you please let go of that hand?"
A mysterious man appears from above. half black half red coat
Half black, half red hair, half black, half red face
I let go of my grip on that foreign figure.
Wind Mills stares at the mysterious man
"Ma, Magne Taylor."
A no-look look at Wind Mills with a surprised look on his face.
"It's tough having an incompetent subordinate like you. Also, I have a souvenir for you." A lump of iron came from above.
It's falling. When Wind Mills saw this, he screamed, ``It's a lie, it's a lie, uhhh...''
It happened. A thick steel beam pierced Wind Mills' stomach and flew straight to the audience seats, where it stopped. He spat blood from his mouth and struggled to remove the steel beam. "What are you doing?" with a blank expression.
``We don't need people who can't be used in our organization. People who can't be used can only be purged.'' The meaning of those words is Wind Mills, who was skewered by a lump of iron and rebar.
I saw it and understood. Lies and jokes won't work on this guy,
He's a man without blood or tears. There's a similar vibe to the guy from earlier.
No, my other self is saying that if I attack carelessly, I will be defeated. "However, it's pathetic that the heroes these days are like humans. On a different note, you're not just a human."
``It has nothing to do with you.'' Magne Taylor says flatly, thinking about something, and when he comes up with something.
"What's your name?" I'm confused when I'm suddenly asked my name.
Ito Garcia "Garcia, Ito Garcia"
I thought I would be killed if I didn't say my name here, so I said it right away. "Garcia Ito, would you like to join our organization?" He was momentarily confused by the sudden scouting, but then answered, "No." Garcia answered immediately, and although he was taken aback, he asked, "Have you never admired being a hero? Everyone who comes to me wants to be a hero, but that's rare.'' ``There's only one hero I admire.'' Ito Garcia glares at Magne Taylor.
“Only one person, maybe it’s him?”
Magne Taylor's face begins to distort, and he seems to have touched something, as he gradually becomes more irritated.
Sensing the tense atmosphere, he takes a step back.
Something invisible was emanating from around Magne Taylor. This guy is many times more dangerous than the guy from before. The baseball dome makes a crackling sound
First, the steel frame falls down.
``Come on, come on. Garcia-kun, I'll try it out.'' The first mover wins, he accelerates with a dash, and with that momentum, he fires a right middle kick, but it's easily missed.
From there, avoid consecutive right and left punches and hooks.
"What's going on? Is it already over?"
Straighten his right arm and set the standard for a small missile.
Launched, the missile heads straight ahead, but when he holds his palm over it, the missile splits into two, and remains as it is.
A bullet hits the audience seats and explodes.
"That's a lie, why doesn't it work?"
I looked at Magne Taylor with a stunned face.
Ito Garcia is caught by a strong force
"What the hell is this?"
He thrashes and tries to break free, but he can't. Despite his appearance, the Magne Tailor tightens down on him with a strong force.
``After all, this is the level of human strength. In front of us heroes, we are no more than insects.'' When he let go of his hand, he was blown backwards and fell to the ground. Hero? to those words
I felt uncomfortable. Is this guy a hero?
As I slowly stand up, I feel in my heart
I was irritated. Someone who doesn't have a trace of a hero
Hero? Don't kid yourself. Don't kid yourself.
I tried to punch him, but I dodged it and kicked him in the stomach, "Ah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".
"It's boring, I thought you could do a little bit too, but it's a shame."
When I lightly touched his palm to the metallic body,
It crashes into the audience seats at a tremendous speed.
Dust flies inside. Ito Garcia is buried in the rubble, and when he tries to stand up, he can't because the rubble is in the way. He slowly walks towards him. Magne Taylor laughs.



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