
TOEICで900点未満の方向けに、Slash Readingでリスニングを大幅に向上させる方法を解説しているので、まだの方はぜひ以下のリンクからSlash Readingの解説動画を視聴後、リーディングに取り組んでみてください。

Slash Reading 解説動画: https://youtu.be/5TcRondY9vg

英文解説動画: https://youtu.be/K-GkBImkeWU

英文解説動画ノート: https://note.com/blackrabbitsinc/n/n3fa1bc0a8eda

英文:英語ネイティブの小学生向けにニュースを発進しているTIME for Kidsから引用しています。


What is the book about? Evelyn Glennie played piano and clarinet as a child. At 10, she began to lose her hearing. So she learned to listen to music in a new way. She did so by feeling it vibrate through her body. Because she was deaf, Glennie was denied many opportunities in music. But she overcame these challenges. She grew up to become a world-famous percussionist.


What is the book about? Evelyn Glennie played/ piano and clarinet/ as a child./ At 10,/ she began/ to lose her hearing./ So she learned/ to listen to music/ in a new way./ She did so/ by feeling it vibrate/ through her body. /Because she was deaf,/ Glennie was denied/ many opportunities in music. /But she overcame/ these challenges./ She grew up/ to become a world-famous percussionist.
