通信制大学院 博士前期課程 英語学専攻 修士論文 参考文献

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Bygate, M. (2001). "Effects of task repetition on the structure and control of oral language". Researching Pedagogic Tasks: Second Language Learning, Teaching and Testing, pp.21–48.
De Jong, N. & Perfetti, C. (2011). "Fluency Training in the ESL Classroom: An Experimental Study of Fluency Development and Proceduralization". Language Learning 61:2, pp. 533–568
DeKeyser, R. (2007). “Introduction: Situating the concept of practice”. In R. DeKeyser(ed.), Practice in a Second Language: Perspectives from Applied Linguistics and Cognitive Psychology, pp. 1-18. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ellis, R. (2005). Planning and Task Performance in a Second Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Iwashita, N. (2001). "The effect of learner proficiency on interactional moves and modified output in nonnative–nonnative interaction in Japanese as a foreign language", System 29-2, 267-287.
Kormos, J. (2006). Speech Production and Second Language Acquisition. New York: Routledge.
Li, M., & DeKeyser, R. (2017). "Perception practice, production practice, and musical ability in L2 Mandarin tone-word learning". Studies in Second Language Acquisition 39, 593-620.
Lightbown, P. M. (2008). “Transfer appropriate processing as a model for classroom second language acquisition”. In Z. Han (ed.), Understanding second language process, 27-44. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Macalister, J. and Nation, I.S.P. (2020). Language Curriculum Design. New York: Routledge.
Mochizuki, N.&Ortega, L. (2008). "Balancing communication and grammar in beginner-level foreign language classrooms: A study of guided planning and relativization". Language Teaching Research 12, 11-37.
Nation, I.S.P., & Newton, J. (2008). Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking. London: Routledge
Nielson, K., B., (2014) “Can planning time compensate for individual differences in working memory capacity?” Language Teaching Research 18, 272-293.
Nielson, K., B., & DeKeyser, R. (2019). Working memory and planning time as predictors of fluency and accuracy. Journal of Second Language Studies, 2, 281-316.
Nitta, R. & Nakatsuhara, F. (2014). "A multifaceted approach to investigating pre-task planning effects on paired oral test performance". Language Testing, 31(2), 147-175.
Norris, J. & Ortega, L. (2009). "Towards an Organic Approach to Investigating CAF in Instructed SLA: The Case of Complexity", Applied Linguistics 30, 555-578.
Rodgers, D. (2011). “The automatization of verbal morphology in instructed second language acquisition”. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 49.
Sato, M. & McDonough, K. (2019). "Practice is important but how about its quality?: Contextualized practice in the classroom". Studies in Second Language Acquisition 41. 999-1026. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Segalowitz, N. (2010). The cognitive bases of second language fluency. New York: Routledge.
Suzuki, Y. (2017). “The Optimal Distribution of Practice for the Acquisition of L2 Morphology: A Conceptual Replication and Extension”. Language Learning.
Suzuki, Y. (2018). “The Role of Procedural Learning Ability in Automatization of L2 Morphology under Different Learning Schedules: An Exploratory Study”. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 40(4), 923-937.
Suzuki, Y, & DeKeyser, R. (2017). “Effects of distributed practice on the proceduralization of morphosyntax”. Language Teaching Research. 38, 27-56.
Tomita, Y. & Spada, N. (2013). “Form-focused instruction and learner investment in L2 communication”. The Modern Language Journal, 97.
北原延晃(2010)『英語授業の「幹」をつくる本 (上巻)』東京:ベネッセコーポレーション
