




Hello, guys~! Winter break is just around the corner!

We interviewed two students who are doing something cool this time.



Will you introduce yourself?


I’m Korin Nonaka, APS, 1st year. I’m from Gifu, Japan.

もえ: APS一回生、安武萌です。福岡出身です。

I’m Moe Yasutake, APS, 1st year. I’m from Fukuoka, Japan.


Will you tell us about your magazine and why you two started making it?


First, we named our magazine “Zukkyun Gorilla”,


Why gorilla though?


Cause we are kind of like gorillas and we pick things up which we feel “Zukkyun”


Also, what we were talking about yesterday was a gorilla is pretty easy to remember for everyone, I mean it can be familiar. So that’s why we decided to name our magazine “Zukkyun Gorilla”.


Yep. And our magazine’s main theme is people or things we got inspired in our life in Beppu. Even though there’s something so ordinary that most people don’t care, if we got the “Zukkyun” feeling, we pick that up and try to put it into our magazine in our way of expressing. We do interviews with people who we think are cool or great, ask them to write for our magazine... Basically, our magazine represents things that we feel “Zukkyun”!



We ask them to use our magazine as the place to express their work.

The reason why we started to make our magazine was kind of fatal, wasn’t it?

もえ うん。



I’ve always been wanted to do that kind of thing, like making my own magazine. Not something instantly came up and gone but something can be remained for a long time by expressing myself.


For me, I was just vaguely thinking to make something…and as we talked about actually making something, it became a more serious and meaningful thing, so we decided to make our own magazine.

B: 最近ってなんでもSNSが多いと思うんだけど、あえて紙で残る方を選んだっていうところはあるの?

I personally assume that most people tend to prefer using SNS these days. But you guys choose to make a paper-based magazine, not like blogs using the internet?

コリン: あるね。もちろんツールとして、インスタとかFACEBOOKとか人集めるために使うけど、考えられて作られたものにズッキュンするんだなって、最近気づいてて。だから多分、ページをめくること自体が楽しいんだし、そういうことをみんなにも味わって欲しいのかなって、最近思う

Yeah, we chose to do so. Of course, we use Instagram or Facebook as a tool of advertisement, but we realised we feel “Zukkyun” for something more like old stuff or things created by hands. That makes us feel turning a page is a fun thing and we want everyone to feel that way.

もえ SNSで広告として発信してても、いつかは忘れられる存在なると思うけど、紙に起こして雑誌にしたら、自分がお母さんになった時にも子供にも見せられるし

Also, if we post something through Instagram, people will forget easily, cause it’s just there and gone quickly. But if we do that on paper, it won’t disappear. Maybe someday when I have my children, I can show them.

コリン 本棚におれる存在になれる

So we, (I mean our magazine) can be on bookshelves which is pretty cool.

B: 新しいことをやり出すのもすごいことだし、それを続けて行くっていうのも大変だと思うけど。やっぱり自分たちのやりたいことだから続いてるって感じ?

I think starting to do something new is pretty impressive and keeping doing that needs more effort. You two can keep working on your magazine because it’s something you both want to do?

もえ それもあるけど、一人だったらここまで続いてないと思うし、コリンがおってコリンがやってるから、あー自分もやらなきゃって思うし。好きなことだけど、仕事みたいな風にしてることで、ちゃんと続けられてる気がする

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons, but also, I think I can keep doing this because I’m with Korin. I have Korin, and she’s doing it with efforts so that I feel like “I have to do this too”. Of course, this is what we want to do but we can keep working on it because it is kind of the same as working.

B: 友達同士でやりたいことやるってだけじゃなくて、二人で雑誌を作るっていう切り替えがあるってこと?

So basically the relationship between you two is a little different when you have meetings or work on something related to the magazine?

もえ: そうやね。結構楽しみにしてるって言ってくれてる人もいるから、やっぱり途中では辞めたくないよね

I think so. There are people who said they are looking forward to reading our magazine, so we don’t want to quit middle of the way.


Tell us your plans and things you want to do!


We were part of the fashion show held last week and we realized that we can accomplish something big and that made us want to do something other than making a magazine.


We talked that “Zukkyun Gorilla” is not only a magazine, and we want to make some activities too. For example, we will lead the people and make an event!


Yeah, we haven’t decided about the detail yet, but in APU, there are many people who want to introduce and tell about Beppu. For now, they work separately so we want to gather them in one place.


If we can do that, it will be awesome.


They each have their own motivation so if we gather each motivation together, then we can make something bigger.


Let’s say that.


Which one?


Let’s say about not only design but…


Yeah, you can say that.


Yayyy (looks excited) On our Instagram, we put our painting and made it very colorful so it is not just a normal magazine, it represents ourselves, like “THIS IS US!”. We did work on it very hard for each of them and have pride in them but also we did very hard to collect the contents, for example interviewing downtown and taking pictures. And we think that readers can get something from each page, so we want them to read our magazine deeply.


Thanks! I think so too. We always help each other.


We have the same goal.


We’ve been working on our magazine not forgetting why we started making it in the first place.


We both have very strong thoughts to make a good thing, and because of that we could make “Zukkyun Gorilla”. We have the same goal, the same point of Zukkyun feeling, and also we are living in the same apartment!


Maybe we were meant to meet and make our magazine lol


Yeah totally. We were talking about this yesterday too lol


Thank you for telling us about your story!

二人ともここに書ききれないくらい、ズッキュンゴリラに対する熱い想いを語ってくれました! インタビュー中も二人の息がぴったりで、私たちも聞いていて楽しかったし、たくさんインスパイアされました。今後の二人の活動にも注目です!

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