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BF3 / MS suspension / Bフレキ3

Lightweight Project Hi everyone! How are you? In fact, the lighter it is, the more difficult it becomes to solve the "completion rate problem." It's light, it's fast, but it's difficult to complete the course... But there is a romance in

    • GLIDE

      Hello everyone! I'm BECK. How are you all doing? This time I will introduce a tutorial for the front single axis gimmick named "GLIDE". GLIDE also has the same fine slide gimmick as 3B. The slide stroke is fine slide. Also check out the

      • 3B

        Hello everyone! I'm BECK. How are you all doing? I hope you are heathy! This time I would like to introduce a new mini 4WD gimmick named "3B". 3B is a 1-post type rear bumper. It features a seamless fine slide. I think the simple visuals a

        • New projects

          Hello, I'm BECK. How are you? I hope you are heathy! I am currently writing tutorials for the front gimmick "GLIDE" and the rear gimmick "3B". I hope to publish it in the not too distant future. Please look forward to it! Please stay healt

        BF3 / MS suspension / Bフレキ3



          皆さんこんにちは。お久しぶりのnote更新。今日は公式車検を一発クリアしたマンモスダンプレーサー「Futuredump2023」を簡単にご紹介します。 Hi everyone! Long time no blog update. Today, I would like to briefly introduce the Tamiya mammoth dump racer "Futuredump2023", which cleared Tamiya's official veh



          シリーズ第2段「Bフレキ2」ついに登場です!今回はスピードコースに軸足を置いて設計。ジャンプが素直でエアーしても楽しいし、トルク感豊かで平面やバンク抜けも良好です。ジャンプが低いのも特徴です。 【Bフレキシリーズについて】 BF1 初代のBフレキ1は猫足フレキ。着地がとても柔らかくテクニカルコースが得意な印象です。扱い易い!製作がカンタンなのも特徴です。お陰様でベストセラー。記事公開から2年以上経った今尚販売数を更新し続けています。ご愛用ユーザー様に感謝です🙇🏻‍♂️ B





          It jumps straight and is good at lane changes. まっすぐジャンプ。LCが得意。 Hi, everyone! We will introduce the "3A" equipped with a completely new mechanism multi-slide system suitable for actual combat. It slides lightly up and down and back and for




          DELTA2 / #3 Final

          Hi everyone! I’ll make rollers from the continuation of the last time. Let's make it together! 皆さんこんにちは!前回に続きローラーから始めます。それでは完成まであと少しお付き合いくださいね。 Also, a tutorial on how to make 2step evo type-830 is included here in DELTA2 #3. 2step evo t


          DELTA2 / #3 Final


          DELTA2 / #2

          Hi everyone! how are you? Continuing from the last time, I’ll make a bumper. Let's make it together! 皆さんこんにちは! 前回に続きバンパーを作ります。 それでは始めましょう🪛


          DELTA2 / #2


          DELTA2 / #1

          Hi everyone! Introducing the new front gimmick “DELTA2”. This is the latest work in the series. I'm designing a gimmick that's simple, compact, and easy to make. Let's make it together✨ 皆さんこんにちは! 新型フロントギミック「デルタ2」をご紹介します。 こちらはシリーズ最新作。 シン


          DELTA2 / #1


          2STEP EVO

          Hi, everyone! How are you? The new rear gimmick "2step EVO" has been completed, I would like to introduce it. こんにちは!新作リアギミック「2step EVO」が完成したのでご紹介します。 2EVO prototype こちらはプロトタイプ。 That's cool. No matter how many times I see it, it's the bes

          2STEP EVO

          DELTA ANCHOR #3 Final

          Hi, everyone! How are you? I’ll announce the “DELTA ANCHOR #3 Final episode”. I also rewrote the first and second episodes, which had been stagnant for a long time. I rewrote the Main plate, Skid plates, and the BATMAN etc. Please see epis

          DELTA ANCHOR #3 Final

          DELTA ANCHOR #2

          Hi! How are you? Today is a continuation of the last time ↓ Let’s get started🪛 皆さんこんにちは!今日は前回の続きから。 それでは始めます。 3. Main plate part 2 [Stud screws] M2x12 Be careful as the nuts is easy to loosen. Lightly tighten the nut and tighten it abo

          DELTA ANCHOR #2

          DELTA ANCHOR #1

          Hi, everyone! How are you? Today is How to make a “Delta anchor episode 1”. I write divided into three or four times. The action of the delta anchor is similar to the backslide anchor. It slides back, but doesn't move sideways. it corneri

          DELTA ANCHOR #1

          Super Reinforced MS Gear Cover / 超強化MSギヤカバー

          Hi! How are you? The battery holderless car of the MS chassis inevitably loses the torque feeling, so I hope it will be a hint for countermeasures. Let's get started🪛 皆さんこんにちは。速い割れないカッコイイ、超強化MSギヤカバーです。電池ホルダーレス車にもオススメ。それでは始めましょう〜


          Super Reinforced MS Gear Cover / 超強化MSギヤカバー


          Kawaii Future DUMP

          Hi👋 everyone! I’m BECK. How are you? When I was making a Mini 4WD while listening to “Snail's house” every day, a very kawaii dump truck was born, so I will introduce it. This cowl cut style is called a “Future dump”. フューチャーダンプの作り方です。それではど


          Kawaii Future DUMP
