
Asking new graduate employees about things senior employees are curious about!

Hello everyone! Eri here from the Market Creation Office and Marketing Division.
Did you enjoy part one of this series?
In part 2, we asked the new grads about things that the senior employees were curious about!


The 【Q】 are the questions from the senior beBiters, and the 【A】 are the answers from the new grads. Let's go ahead and take a look!

■About the workplace

It has been a full 3 months since the new grads have joined our company. By now, many of them may have started to understand the rhythm and relationships within the company to some extent. Now that they’ve grown a little accustomed, let’s take this opportunity to have them share thoughts on the company and the professional life they are experiencing. 

Q1. Tell us about why you joined beBit

A. Mainly, agreeing with the company’s vision

As they went through the interview process, they seemed to gradually gain an understanding of beBit’s values and realized that it was in line with what they valued as well, which was the deciding factor. 
In addition, answers such as “pleasant communication” and “intuition” stood out. I believe that effective communication definitely reflects beBit!

Q2. Tell us about your impressions of beBit, both before and after joining

A. 【Before joining】
A dry company that focused primarily on results. A group that emphasizes quality of work. A company with a sense of freedom from being a venture. A little distance between the employees. A company with highly talented individuals,  which is both exciting and nerve racking. A company with mostly quiet people, with the members I met being the only social people. 

【After joining】

A close knit atmosphere with frequent and intense communication. Everyone has a habit of observing others closely. The contrast between the work environment and social gatherings is huge. People are kind, interesting, and not as reserved as expected. 

It appears there is somewhat of an intimidating atmosphere from an external perspective, but many individuals have experienced a gap between their initial impressions and the reality once they have joined the company. While it is true that there are many individuals with strong personalities, don’t worry! The new grads all have very unique characteristics as well. 

Q3. Do you currently work from the office, or from home?


Currently, a majority of people are coming to the office at least 4 times a week, while many also work half from home, half from the office. It seems that they are in the process of finding a balance that suits them best. As a company, beBit has designated days for each department as recommended office attendance days, so please take that into consideration and establish a comfortable work-life balance!

Q4. Do you have any funny or interesting episodes from your training?

A. The training itself was interesting. Discussions with team members and using USERGRAM was also fun.

The other episodes were related to training as well, and it was interesting to see how the new members felt about the senior beBiter’s as well!
・I was deeply impressed by Miki-san’s problem solving skills. I’ll definitely keep it to heart
・Takegawa-san speaking while looking at everyone in the eyes was a topic of conversation
・Hirayama-san tends to use baseball-related metaphors
・Our calm manager was laughing extremely loudly during our pre-Golden Week meeting.
・I was worried about whether our manager,Honda-san, who had been taking care of us, would be happy with the white hoodie we gave as a gift from the team. On the day of the welcome party, he came up to me and said “I actually wore the white hoodie today, but since the dress code for senior beBiter’s was anything but white, I took it off.” I was ecstatic!
・When I was struggling with the UCD Quest, I saw my colleague’s daily schedule said “Am I worthy of getting paid?” He articulates his thoughts (whether through writing or speaking) no matter what state he is in, so it was interesting to see that he had written it in a schedule visible to everyone.

Q5. Who surprised you the most out of the new grads, and why?

A. Hayashi-san

Among those mentioned, Hayashi-san was mentioned the most. His unique personality and the fact that he was unlike anyone they had met before made him stand out among the new hires. Okubo-san, on the other hand, had a strong love for high schools (apparently, he knew almost all the high schools that everyone attended). It was also surprising that two of the new grads attended the same high school! It’s amazing how connections can be remade in unexpected ways. 

The responses explaining the reasons for selecting the other individuals were also quite unique, and I was impressed at the wit and humor of the new employees.

Q6. What kind of professional do you want to be in the future?

A. Someone who can accurately assess their own situation and be mindful of others. Someone who can bring value and provide value to others.

Most responses were a strong desire to quickly become a capable professional. Most will face many moments in which your patience will be tested. However, I encourage you to organize your tasks, and face them one by one with care and thoroughness. 

In addition to the responses above, there were also answers that expressed a desire for individuals who are “interesting” (not necessarily personally entertaining, but to become catalysts that make the environment interesting), individuals who can live their lives with a sense of fulfillment, and individuals who can earn money. Through these answers, I feel we were able to see their human qualities, and I’m looking forward to their future achievements!

Q7. When working together, are there any things that you can not tolerate?

A. Not respecting others. Being dishonest. Shaking their legs.

Everyone seems to prioritize business fundamentals. Respect is indeed crucial, right? Another common answer was shaking their leg. Those doing it may not recognize so it might be good to let them know gently!
There was also a response that said “people who can’t play mahjong.” If you know who gave that response, I encourage you to try inviting them!

■About private lives

Up until now, we went over their work lives, but from here, let’s have them answer about their personal lives!

Q8. How do you spend your days off?

A. Going out (with friends, movies, eating, saunas). Staying at home (Cooking, cleaning, reading, drawing). 

There were many answers that were repeated, but from the answers, it seems most of them are quite active and ready to go! Other answers included dancing and going to comedy shows, or going to public baths every day. It looks like everyone knows how to refresh themselves on their days off!

Q9. What is something that you want to try in your private life?

A. There were a lot more answers than expected, so I’ve separated them into genres.

・Traveling (domestic, international)
・Skydiving, solo camping, diving, swimming, bouldering, billiards, bowling, mahjong
・Participate in a Spartan Race
・Dog sledding in Hokkaido

・Instruments (Piano, zurna)
・Reaching the highest rank in a mahjong app
・Master a illustration tool (Clip Studio Paint)
・Understand Norse Mythology, read the main Mahayana Budism bibles

・Learn how to pour delicious chai tea
・Own a bird or cat
・Master curry bread
・Explore Tokyo!

Their personalities were definitely showing in these answers! I’m sure you’ve all heard this before, but doing things as soon as you find interest in them is what I believe is the best way, so definitely take a chance and act!

Q10. Tell us a funny or interesting episode from your personal life

A. There were many interesting episodes, but I’ll unfortunately be able to deliver only a selected few!

・I recently read the UX Growth model, and it was very interesting!
・The rice I ate yesterday was a gift from my younger brother's girlfriend, but they broke up so it ended up in my possession. It was delicious. 
・I recently met up with a boy I met in a small town in Germany when I visited for my graduation trip. In Germany, we went out with a few of our friends and said farewell, but in April, we ended up staying out with friends again in Shibuya and smoked hookah.
・I played mahjong to figure out who was the best. I got last place, by far. 
・I won tickets to watch Soshina from Shimofuri Myojo play “Chinchiro” with his friends! 
・I went to Haneda airport and watched airplanes and tourists and increased my will to travel.
・I went to watch a baseball game, and the team I was rooting for lost 1-15.

From seeing the answers from the new grads, I was very impressed at how well they write! They must be very used to creating output. 

This wraps up our 2 part series about our new grads. I hope that this provided you with a chance to get to know our members, new and old. Finally, a huge thanks to everyone who participated in our survey!


