インターネット調査室: 「China records 1st population fall in decades as births drop」

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AP: 17 Jan,2023

「China records 1st population fall in decades as births drop」:  さて、どうなるやら。

BEIJING : China has announced its first population decline in decades as what has been the world's most populous nation ages and its birthrate plunges.

The National Bureau of Statistics reported Tuesday that the country had 850,000 fewer people at the end of 2022 than the previous year.



That left a total of 1.41 billion people, with 9.56 million births against 10.41 million deaths, the bureau said at a briefing on Tuesday.

お〜 中国は人口が多い分増えるのも減るのも一度勢いがつくと加速するんですよね~。

Men outnumbered women by 722.06 million to 689.69 million, a result of the strict one-child policy that only officially ended in 2016 and a traditional preference for male offspring to carry on the family name.

あ〜 あ〜 これって、今のロシアと逆で、ロシアは女性が多いんですよね~ 今回のウクライナ戦争のせいでもっとギャップが広がりそうです。 ロシア男性、徴兵され、ウクライナでかなり戦死していますから。

China now has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, comparable only to Taiwan and South Korea, he added.


It wasn't immediately clear if the population figures have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak that was first detected in the central Chinese city of Wuhan before spreading around the world. China has been accused by some specialists of underreporting deaths from the virus by blaming them on underlying conditions, but no estimates of the actual number have been published.


The world’s No. 2 economy grew by 3% in 2022, less than half of the previous year’s 8.1%, the data showed.



検索キー: China records 1st population fall in decades as births drop
