インターネット調査室: 「Thousands in Málaga protest against mass tourism」 <ー  日本と似てますね~

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dpa  international:  30  Jun,2024
「Thousands in Málaga protest against mass tourism」

Thousands of people in the Spanish city of Málaga turned out to protest against mass tourism on Saturday, angered at high rents and housing shortages.



というより、国内出張の人々が宿が見つからない状態はどうなのよ~  と思います。

They marched in the centre of the southern city, many carrying signs saying, "Málaga is not for sale" and "This is not tourism, this is an invasion."


The protest was called by a tenants' association, Sindicato de Inquilinos e Inquilinas, which said the ever-increasing number of visitors and holiday flats are the reason for the city's housing shortage and other problems.

Málaga has more than 12,000 legally registered holiday homes, more than any other Spanish city besides Madrid and Barcelona. In addition, many private holiday homes in Málaga and elsewhere are operated illegally.

"The situation is untenable. It's impossible to buy a house," demonstrator María Franco told El País.

あ〜 あ〜  酷いことになっていますね。


検索キー:    Thousands in Málaga protest against mass tourism
