インターネット調査室: 「Sergei Surovikin, the commander now leading Russia's attacks on Ukraine, has been described as 'absolutely ruthless' by former colleagues: 'I am afraid his hands will be completely covered in Ukrainian blood'」 <ー 

今回は「Sergei Surovikin, the commander now leading Russia's attacks on Ukraine, has been described as 'absolutely ruthless'¹ by former colleagues: 'I am afraid his hands will be completely covered in Ukrainian blood'」についてコメントさせていただきます。

Business Insider: 11 Oct,2022

「Sergei Surovikin, the commander now leading Russia's attacks on Ukraine, has been described as 'absolutely ruthless' by former colleagues: 'I am afraid his hands will be completely covered in Ukrainian blood'」: 既にその兆候が出ていますね。あのミサイル攻撃。

Sergei Surovikin is Russia's new top commander, and his ex-colleagues call him "Gen. Armageddon."


While it's unclear who issued the directive for Monday's airstrikes, Surovikin has been known to bomb civilian areas.


A former Defense Ministry official who worked with Surovikin told The Guardian Australia they weren't surprised by the deadly bombing in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv that killed at least five people Monday morning.



検索キー: Sergei Surovikin, the commander now leading Russia's attacks on Ukraine, has been described as 'absolutely ruthless' by former colleagues: 'I am afraid his hands will be completely covered in Ukrainian blood'
