インターネット調査室: 「Iran’s ‘morality police’ use CCTV to target one million women for not wearing headscarves」

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The Telegram:  26 Jul,2023

「Iran’s ‘morality police’ use CCTV to target one million women for not wearing headscarves」:  かなり厳しいです。

Iran is deploying mass surveillance tactics, including CCTV tracking, to crack down on women who defy compulsory veiling, human rights activists have warned.

Between April and June, Iranian police sent more than one million text warning messages to women seen on camera without a headscarf in their cars, Amnesty International said in an analysis of official government data.


Other new tactics to police and punish women and girls include the confiscation of cars and job dismissals, while in one case a woman was ordered to wash corpses in a morgue.

Under this proposed legislation, women and girls who appear without headscarves in public spaces and on social media, or who show “nakedness of a body part or wear thin or tight clothes”, will face a catalogue of penalties.





検索キー: Iran’s ‘morality police’ use CCTV to target one million women for not wearing headscarves
