インターネット調査室: 「Charges dropped against man who nailed Putin doll to sacred tree in Japan as part of death curse」 <ー 例のプーチン大統領藁人形事件の顛末です

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Next Shark: 1 Jul,2022

「Charges dropped against man who nailed Putin doll to sacred tree in Japan as part of death curse」: さ〜て、結末は?

Hino was released from police custody on June 27 after investigators said the shrine had withdrawn the charges for property damage.


The reason for the disposition has not been disclosed.



The “wara ningyo” doll, which is used in Japan as a part of a supernatural ritual to wish death or harm to a person

日本の藁人形が世界に認知された事件でした。 記事の中に写真あり。

検索キー: Charges dropped against man who nailed Putin doll to sacred tree in Japan as part of death curse
