
第21回:【超短期学習法】Chat GPTとのロールプレイで「今すぐ」特定のシチュエーションで英語を話しきれるようにする方法

こちらの記事では、Chat GPTと特定のシチュエーションで英語でコミュニケーションするロールプレイを行う学習法をご紹介します。

こちらのマガジンではChat GPTと

  • Q&A千本ノックを行うことにより、流暢に話す力をトレーニングする学習法

  • 上記で自分が話した部分の文法の誤り(と不自然な表現)をChat GPTに指摘してもらうことによる文法の学習

  • また、上記で自分が話した部分の代替表現5通りをChat GPTに出力してもらうことによる、会話表現の習得


(Chat GPTとのQ&Aセッションではあと1つ、やりとりを音声モードにするとChat GPTと 音声 ⇔ 音声 でやりとりすることもできリスニングも含めた練習になるかもしれませんが、こちらはまだ自分の話が少しでも途切れるとChat GPTが勝手に話し始めてしまうなどまだChat GPTの機能が発展途上で、かつリスニングの練習は別途YouTube動画を視聴した方が様々なパターンを聞けることもあり、こちらについては筆者は現時点ではとくに読者の方にお薦めをするほどの機能ではないと感じています。)

筆者がご紹介できるChat GPTを用いた英語スピーキング関連の学習法はもう1つあり、それが今回ご紹介する、Chat GPTとの特定のシチュエーションでの英会話のロールプレイです。

これまでご紹介してきたChat GPTとのQ&A千本ノック(とそれに付随する文法、表現の学習)が英語スピーキングの基礎体力をあげる学習な一方で、ロールプレイはピンポイントで特定のシチュエーションについては話しきれるようにする、自分の現時点の総合的な実力よりも若干複雑でスマートなやりとりをできるようにする学習法です。

1.Chat GPTとロールプレイを行う

1.1. Chat GPTに行いたいロールプレイのシチュエーションを伝える

こちらでのご紹介用に、Chat GPTとロールプレイを行いました。(筆者は実際には風力発電事業を行うベンチャー企業での財務担当というのは行っていないため、会話の内容が薄いのはご了承ください。)

まずはChat GPTに行いたいロールプレイのシチュエーションを伝えます。





Hi Michael, long time no see you, it is really nice to see you again! How have you been?

Chat GPTにロールプレイのシチュエーションを伝える際のポイントを以下に記載します。

① ロールプレイを行いたいこと自体を伝える

以下のように、ロールプレイを行いたいこと自体をChat GPTに伝えます。


② ロールプレイのシチュエーションを伝える



自分はなにもので相手はなにものか(who)、どういう場所で(where)何についてどういう話をするのか(what)を明確に伝えておけば、Chat GPTがそれに非常に沿った応答をしてくれます。

③ 自分とChat GPTがどちらの役かを明確にする

以下のように、自分とChat GPTがどちらの役として話すかを明確にします。


これを入れないと、Chat GPTが勘違いして自分が話したい側になって話しはじめたりしてしまいます。

④ そのままロールプレイに自分からはいってしまう

一度Chat GPTに返事をしてもらうことなく、以下のようにそのままロールプレイを自分から始めてしまうのもコツです。


Hi Michael, long time no see you, it is really nice to see you again! How have you been?

ロールプレイにはいらずChat GPTに返事をさせてしまうと、Chat GPTが勘違いしてそのシチュエーションのモデル・スクリプト(両方の人が話している一連の会話全部)をだしてしまうことが多いです。

1.2. 自分が想定しているやりとりを一通り行う


Great to see you too! I've been well, thank you. How about you? How has ABC Corporation been doing since we last met?

Actually, we were not so affected by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. We had several difficulties in visiting our business partners in Europe in doing on-site checking, but by outsourcing those on-site checking activities to local business partners, we could somehow go through it. At the same time, the economic situation changed since early 2022, which impacted us more. Due to the Japanese Yen's weakening since early 2022, our importation costs has risen, so we needed to restructure our cost structure. We decided to wind power energy plant. We might have been lucky because the landscape of those component producers has changed dramatically in the last 5 years. Previously, our previous supplier of the components' prices are now relatively high in the global landscape. So, in this occasion, we changed the suppliers, which are located in Indonesia, of which our qualities are being improved dramatically in the last 5 years, and the price levels of them are still reasonable compared to their competitors in the global industry. So, by doing this, we could come back to the unique economics before 2019, and you know, the demand for renewable energy in Japan is strengthening year by year, so we are optimistic about the outlook for the next 3 to 5 years. I think we can show our ability to come up with social or economic changes, so we could show you guys our track record now, so I hope in the coming next equity financing round, which we expect that we will commence in Q2 of next year, you guys could consider to join the round of ours.

That sounds like a proactive and strategic approach amidst challenging times. It's impressive how ABC Corporation adapted to the changing economic landscape and managed to strengthen its position by optimizing supply chains and focusing on quality improvements. The demand for renewable energy in Japan indeed presents a promising outlook for the future. We at CDE Corporation are keen to explore potential opportunities for collaboration, especially considering your track record and the upcoming equity financing round. Could you share more details about your growth projections and specific areas where you see potential for partnership?

Okay, so as I mentioned, during 2022 to early this year, our cost structure was quite volatile. So the financial figures in 2023 were not what we wanted. And at the same time, as I said last year, we switched our suppliers for components. And in this fiscal year 2024, the top-line situation and cost structure bottom line are in line with our expectations. So with letting this fiscal year, we call it N-2, which means we'd like to go public in two years from now. And to go public in two years from now, our understanding is that we need to maintain 30% growth in our top-line, and at the same time, we need to turn to the black in the year when we'd like to go public. So to maintain the growth rate and turning to the black in a few years from now, actually last year, in addition to the cost structure change, we started to introduce the partnerships with traditional electricity companies in addition to venture power companies who were our main business partners or clients before 2021. As we started the negotiation 2022 to last year, new partnerships have been already being started in this year. So we're expecting the top-line would be lifted by those initiatives in Q4 this year. So when we hopefully start the negotiation in Q2 next year, we are expecting that you guys would be able to see the actual figures, how those new initiatives are lifting our top-line and the bottom-line as well, of course. So with those concrete actual figures, we'd like to do the last round before going to public and with those new money, we'd like to fasten the importation of components for incoming new type of clients. That's our business plan in the next two to three years.

It sounds like you have a clear and ambitious roadmap ahead for ABC Corporation. Achieving 30% growth in the top-line and reaching profitability within the next few years demonstrates strong strategic planning. Your initiatives to partner with traditional electricity companies alongside venture power firms reflect a diversified approach that could enhance both revenue streams and market stability.

For CDE Corporation, these developments are quite promising as we consider potential equity investment opportunities. We'll be keenly interested in reviewing your Q4 results this year and tracking the impact of your new partnerships on your financial performance. This data will provide a solid foundation for discussions during our anticipated negotiation in Q2 next year.

Could you elaborate on the specific types of components and new clients you're targeting with your accelerated importation plans? Understanding these details will help us assess alignment with our investment criteria and strategic interests.

The answer is blah blah blah.(筆者注:筆者が業界人ではないため本題はこれ以上話す内容がなく、クロージングに移行。)Okay, so it was really nice seeing you this time in this conference. And as I mentioned, our company is planning to start the next fundraising round in the Q2 of next year. But probably at around the end of this year, if you don't mind, please let us update how our business is going to you. And please, I hope this conference would be a fruitful one for you. Enjoy the business trip here in Germany, and let's keep in touch!

Thank you for the update and for sharing your plans for the next fundraising round. I appreciate the opportunity to reconnect and discuss potential collaboration between ABC Corporation and CDE Corporation. I'll certainly look forward to your updates towards the end of this year and hope to continue our discussions further. Enjoy the conference in Germany, and let's definitely keep in touch. Have a productive time ahead!


  • 導入(挨拶)

  • 本題

  • クロージング




筆者自身はロールプレイはスピーキングの基礎体力をあげるためというよりは、自分が引き出しが足りないと感じた(ビジネス実務でスムーズに話せなかったと感じた(若干悔しかった))シチュエーションでのスピーキング力の強化に使っているため、基礎体力をあげるためのQ&Aセッションのようにより洗練された表現は5パターンもはChat GPTにだしてもらっておらず、1パターンのみ出力してもらい、それをさっとみた上で再度Chat GPTと同じシチュエーションについてのロールプレイを何度か繰り返して同様のシチュエーションでもより話せるようにしています。


  • Q&Aセッションのように5パターン程度のより洗練された英文を出力してもらってじっくり代替表現を学習する

  • 逆に忙しくてかつある程度文法や基本的な英語表現に自信がある方は、こちらのより洗練された表現を確認するパートはとばしてしまって、ロールプレイを何度か実施する練習のみに専念



Chat GPT、ロールプレイは以上で大丈夫です。 上記のやり取り(とくに私の発話部分)をよりビジネス英語として洗練されたやりとりになるように、このシチュエーションでモデルとなるやりとりのサンプルを出力してください。


User: Hi Michael, it's great to see you again after such a long time! How have you been?

Assistant: Great to see you too! I've been well, thank you. How about you? How has ABC Corporation been since we last met?

User: We managed to navigate through the challenges posed by the pandemic fairly well, though the economic landscape shifted in early 2022, impacting us more significantly. The weakening Japanese Yen increased our import costs, prompting us to restructure our cost base. Fortunately, we optimized our supply chain by switching to new suppliers in Indonesia, which not only improved quality but also maintained cost competitiveness globally. With the growing demand for renewable energy in Japan, we're optimistic about the next few years. We hope to demonstrate our ability to adapt to economic shifts and showcase our track record to potential investors like yourselves. We're considering an equity financing round in Q2 next year and would be glad to have you on board.

Assistant: Your proactive approach in optimizing operations amidst economic volatility is commendable. It's impressive to see how ABC Corporation has strengthened its position and aligned with market trends. At CDE Corporation, we're keen on exploring opportunities for collaboration, especially given your strategic growth projections and upcoming financing round plans. Could you share more details on your growth targets and specific areas where you foresee partnership opportunities?

User: Throughout 2022 and early this year, our financial performance was affected by fluctuating cost structures. However, fiscal year 2024 is shaping up according to expectations, with our top-line and bottom-line aligning well. Looking ahead, we aim to achieve 30% top-line growth and profitability by our planned IPO in two years. Our strategy includes forging partnerships with traditional electricity companies alongside venture power firms, a move that has already begun yielding positive results this year. We anticipate these initiatives will bolster our Q4 results significantly, providing concrete metrics for our upcoming negotiations. We aim to secure final funding before going public to accelerate component imports for new client segments.

Assistant: Your strategic roadmap for ABC Corporation is clear and ambitious. Achieving sustained growth and profitability within the timeframe for your IPO reflects solid planning and execution. We look forward to reviewing your Q4 performance and assessing the impact of your new partnerships. This data will be crucial as we prepare for our negotiation in Q2 next year. Please keep us updated towards the end of this year, and I trust this conference will be fruitful for you. Enjoy your time in Germany, and let's stay in touch!






より一般的に、ベンチャー企業の財務担当者とベンチャーキャピタルの投資担当者が業界のカンファレンスで出会い、財務担当者からは自社の事業の近況と今後の見通し(含む自社の資金調達計画)を、投資担当者からは自社と業界全体の投資のスタンス、トレンドについて共有し合うやりとりのモデル・スクリプトを出力してください。 スクリプトの長さは、上記のロールプレイと同じくらいで大丈夫です。

Certainly! Here's a model script for a conversation between a venture company's financial officer and a venture capital investor at an industry conference:

Financial Officer (FO): Hi there! It's great to meet you at this conference. I'm [Name], the financial officer at XYZ Ventures. How are you finding the event so far?

Investment Officer (IO): Hello, [Name]! Likewise, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm [Name], an investment officer at ABC Capital. The event has been quite insightful. How about you?

FO: We've been navigating some interesting developments at XYZ Ventures. Despite the challenges in the market, we've managed to maintain a steady growth trajectory. Our recent focus has been on expanding our market share in renewable energy technologies, particularly in solar and wind sectors. We're currently planning our next funding round in Q2 next year to accelerate these initiatives.

IO: That sounds promising. At ABC Capital, we've been actively looking at opportunities in sustainable energy sectors, especially in emerging markets. The shift towards renewables is definitely a trend we're closely monitoring. How has XYZ Ventures been adapting to these industry shifts?

FO: We've been proactive in forming strategic partnerships with key players in the renewable energy space, which has helped us mitigate some of the market uncertainties. Our goal is to achieve greater operational efficiency and scalability, aligning with broader industry trends towards sustainability.

IO: It's encouraging to hear about your strategic partnerships. At ABC Capital, we're keen on supporting ventures that demonstrate strong market alignment and sustainable growth. Could you share more about XYZ Ventures' financial projections and how you plan to utilize the funds from the upcoming round?

FO: Certainly. Our projections indicate a 25% increase in revenue next year, driven by new product launches and market expansion. With the funds raised, we aim to bolster our R&D efforts and strengthen our market presence across new geographic regions, particularly in Asia and Europe.

IO: That sounds ambitious yet well-planned. From our perspective, investing in ventures with a clear growth strategy and solid market positioning is key. How do you see the competitive landscape evolving in your sector?

FO: The competitive landscape is intensifying, but we see it as an opportunity. By leveraging our technological advancements and strategic alliances, we aim to differentiate ourselves and capture a larger market share. We're optimistic about the future and look forward to potential collaborations with investors like ABC Capital.

IO: Absolutely. Collaborations that align with our investment criteria and market outlook are crucial. I'd be interested in discussing further how ABC Capital can potentially support XYZ Ventures' growth plans. Perhaps we could schedule a follow-up meeting to delve deeper into the specifics?

FO: That sounds excellent. Let's arrange a meeting to discuss in detail. Meanwhile, I hope you find the rest of the conference insightful. It's been a pleasure discussing our strategies with you, [Name].

IO: Likewise, [Name]. I look forward to our next conversation. Enjoy the rest of the conference, and let's stay in touch.

This script illustrates a professional and strategic exchange between a financial officer of a venture company and an investment officer from a venture capital firm, focusing on business updates, industry trends, and potential collaboration opportunities.



もちろん特定のシチュエーションのみ話せるようになっても、英語スピーキングの基礎体力がしっかりついていないと少しパターンが変わるだけで結局スムーズに話せないようになってしまうため、筆者のお薦め順位1番は中長期的にはChat GPTとのQ&Aセッションを地道に1,000回くらい行うことです。(実際には、1,000回目に到達する前にテクノロジーがさらに発達して英語スピーキングの学習効率がさらにあがっているかもしれません。)

こちらのマガジンでは、Chat GPTと商談、社内会議、同僚との立ち話などのロールプレイの実例についてもご紹介していきます。

