
【行った国 その27)パキスタン・イスラム共和国 🇵🇰】正に青春18きっぷ実戦番でした。。。 ‎








⑴ 巴里の思い出
: 寒い寒い雪が舞う初めてのパリでパキスタン航空の機内で知り合ったスイス🇨🇭人のマルコ君のアドバイスで知ったモンパルナス界隈の安宿に投泊、確かトイレは部屋には無かったと。心細い一人旅の初めてのヨーロッパだったんで、ろくに観光もせず、タダタダ寒い巴里の街を歩くだけでした。


(2) テヘランの思い出


: テヘランが大雪で乗る予定のパキスタン航空機が遅れ、カラチでの同日乗り継ぎが頓挫してしまい、予定外のカラチ泊となってしまいました。それもパキスタン航空の成田行きは週二便でしたので、知らない町のカラチの安ホテルに二泊もする羽目に。カラチは埃っぽい町だったと記憶してます。




Visited Country Part 27 )

Pakistan / Islamic Republic 🇵🇰
‎اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان

I visited to this country twice.

At first time, I transit to Tehran via this town in private travel in 1979, my second visit this country is in the 1990 's. When I went by work, it was site survey journey that took about 10 days on the major three cities of Islamabad, Peshawar and Karachi.

The circumstances of Pakistan landing in my first private travel was like this.

When I was young I decided to go to Tehran for private reason, but at that time I used Pakistan Airlines that was LCC at the time. It was a trip in the winter, but from curbing freight and curiosity of youth
I decided to go to Tehran with the following route.

Narita Airport ➡ ︎ Southeast Asia (city name is forgotten) ➡ ︎ ︎ Abu Dhabi ︎ ︎ ➡ Tehran ➡ ︎ karachi ➡ ︎ Southeast Asia (city name is forgotten) ➡ ︎ Narita Airport

I certainly remember that the ticket fee was nearly 400,000 yen on this route.

⑴ Memories of Paris
: I told to go to a cheap hotel in Montparnasse neighborhood that I knew with the advice of a Swiss young man who met in Pakistan Airlines on the plane .Pakistan Airlines in the first Paris where cold cold and snow flew, certainly the toilet was not in the room where I stayed , It was the my first European trip with a pleasant solo trip, I did not do much sightseeing, just walking around the city of cold frozen Paris.

(2) Memories of Tehran
: Unlike Iran going by Biz, I experienced the distance of going to Tehran for private trip was very very faraway.......

(3) Memories of Karachi
: The Pakistan aircraft scheduled to ride in Tehran with heavy snow was delayed, the same day connection in Karachi was lost, and it became an unexpected Karachi night. Because it was two flights per week to Pakistan Airlines' flight to Narita, we had to stay two nights at the hotel in Karachi, which I do not know. I remember that Karachi was a dusty town.

Next time I will report Bangladeshバングラデシュ🇧🇩
