
【English translation】The Homeland of Capitalists (Capitalia) and Japan - The Capitalist's Return of Favor 【Capitalists of the World, Unite! - Series: The Homeland of Capitalists】

The Capitalia Movement, aimed at establishing a global organization resembling a state called "The Homeland of Capitalists, Capitalia," envisions uniting the capitalist class worldwide, establishing a parliament where capitalists from all nations are the electorate, drafting a constitution, organizing a government, and setting up an independent judiciary.

In this article, I’ll explain Japan’s evaluation and role within this movement!

The Dawn of Japanese Capitalism
Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has aggressively pursued capitalism as a national policy, making great strides forward!

Known as the "Father of Capitalism," the venerable Eiichi Shibusawa, whose face now graces the new 10,000-yen note, recognized that the strength and wealth of the great powers and their people lay in the wealth created by capitalists. He actively worked to foster a capitalist class in Japan! He devoted himself to the development of commerce and industry, the founding and nurturing of enterprises, establishing over 500 companies!

For his contribution to the development of Japan through the broad advancement of industry and the creation of significant public welfare, Shibusawa was ennobled as a viscount and continues to be respected as a great figure. His writings, especially "The Analects and the Abacus," are widely read even today!

The Birth of the Confucian Merchant
Shibusawa also left a significant legacy in the world of ideas! As a Confucian, he discussed the path capitalists should take from a Confucian perspective, proposing a fusion of traditional Eastern thought with the spirit of capitalism, and advocating for a path that harmonizes morality with the pursuit of profit.

This led to the ideological justification of capitalism in Japan, encouraging the active participation of Confucians, the intellectual class, in economic activities, which facilitated the rapid development of a capitalist economy in Japan!

Today, the capitalist class in Japan, which has Confucianism as its ideological pillar and the Confucian intellectual class as its core, is known as the "Confucian Merchants."

Shibusawa and his fellow Confucian merchants advocated for capitalism as a national policy in Meiji Japan, realizing this vision! Japan's economy rapidly developed thereafter, achieving a staggering 28-fold increase in real national income over 113 years from Meiji 18 to Heisei 10! The state often conferred titles of nobility upon the Confucian merchants, recognizing their contribution to the nation's development.

Since then, the Confucian spirit has become central to the mindset of Japan's capitalist class, and capitalists (Confucian merchants) who promote capitalism based on Confucian principles have come to be widely respected in society!

The Confucian capitalism that Shibusawa initiated became the mainstream force in Japanese Confucianism and Japanese capitalism, leading to the development of management philosophies that balance the pursuit of personal profit with public welfare, and these continue to flourish to this day!

Moreover, the values of the Confucian merchants have been adopted by other East Asian countries, including South Korea, Taiwan, and China, promoting economic development across East Asia!

This stands in stark contrast to the traditional intellectuals of the West—humanists, politicians, and clergy—who often criticized and opposed capitalism, instead supporting and promoting anti-capitalist ideologies, which frequently led to communist revolutions and the rise of dictatorships!

Japanese Capitalism in the Reiwa Era
In Japan today, business leaders are esteemed figures, local businesses are a source of pride in their communities, and producing entrepreneurs is a point of family pride!

The government frequently seeks advice from economic organizations, capitalists are regarded as contributors to the common good, and companies are recognized as indispensable drivers of society!

Unlike in the West, where capitalists are often viewed as engaging in a disreputable occupation, and anti-capitalist movements like communism have significant influence, such sentiments are extremely weak in Japan. There is almost no hatred or discrimination against capitalists, nor are they blamed as the root cause of social problems!

The Paradise for Bourgeoisie
Japan is also one of the world’s leading democracies. According to the Democracy Index for 2021 published by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Japan ranks 17th out of 167 countries, with a score of 8.15, and is one of the 20 "Full Democracies" in the world! Modern freedoms and human rights, including economic freedoms, are guaranteed, judicial independence is among the best in the world, private property is fully protected, and public safety is exceptionally good. There are no forces that defend or justify public disorder like looting or riots, unlike in the West!

Moreover, Japanese voters tend to view politicians as public servants, and Japanese politicians are expected to focus on adjusting interests and reflecting public opinion in politics. Charismatic leaders or ideologically rigid figures, who are popular in the West, are rather seen as unsettling and disliked in Japan!

As a result, far-left and far-right political heresies are very weak in Japan, the politics is mature and stable, and the economic environment is solid as a rock! Public trust in the political and economic sectors is stronger in Japan than in the West, making it arguably the safest place in the world for the capitalist class!

Furthermore, Japan is a naturally impregnable fortress from a geopolitical perspective! While East Asia is generally a more peaceful region compared to the West, last year, a Russian plan to invade Hokkaido came to light, showing that geopolitical risks do exist. However, even if the day ever comes when the U.S. military withdraws, Japan’s defense would be easy by deploying the Golden Army, and there would be no need to fear any enemy!

For this reason, I believe that Japan is the optimal place to establish the headquarters of the Homeland of Capitalists, Capitalia!

Make Japan the Capital of the Homeland of Capitalists, Capitalia!
I believe that Japan's capitalist class has the potential to become the flag bearer of the global capitalist movement and to play a key role in the founding of the Homeland of Capitalists, Capitalia! And if Japan's capitalist class effectively communicates Japan's appeal to the world, I believe it is possible to attract the government institutions of Capitalia, such as its parliament, government, and judiciary!

If this happens, Japan will become the capital of a global capitalist state, just as Brussels is to the European Union!

Making Japan the home base for the world's capitalist class will undoubtedly bring enormous benefits to Japan! The current concessions made to the United States and other countries would be eliminated, Japan would gain the status of the capital of world capitalism, and Japan's GDP would once again become the highest in the world!

Japan as Number One!
Next up: America Edition!

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