
Think! Think! ENG&JP Study Benkyo app

<Think! Think!> https://think2app.hanamarulab.com/en/
ねんれい Age: 4〜10さい (4-10 sai) 4-10 year old
げんご Language:にほんごとえいご (Nihongo to Eigo) Japanese and English
ないよう Content:
(Pazuru nado no gemu wo shinagara benkyo suru sumart phone appli)
Think Think is the app your kids can learn mathematical thinking through visual games such as puzzling. They have English and Japanese app, you can check how it works on this website.
つかいかた How it works:いんたーねっとがつかえるすまーとほんのあぷり(iOS, Android), Smartphone's(iOS and Android) App with Internet Connection
ひょうか Review:
It's comprised by Tokyo University students and used some countries such as Cambodia where uses this app in school nationwide and succeeded improve children's scores.
