
You can know your future work with your fingerprint !? Interview with Mr Richard!

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(Interviewed December 2019)

I interviewed Mr Richard Leow, the founder of Talents Tech! He analyzes personal personalities, strengths and weaknesses.
What kind of company is Talents Tech?

Introducing Mr Richard Leow


"I am the founder of Talents Tech, a company that analyzes personality and talent (strengths and weaknesses).
From childhood to the start of Talents Tech, I experienced a lot of work, including teaching babysitting, food factories, repair shops, sales and programming.
We have an office in Banda Kiara, an area south of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia."

Mr Richard struggles every day to help those who look for "personality" and "special skills" in the world.

Homepage: https://www.talentstech.com/
Location: https://www.talentstech.com/l-e-bk-18
Kuala Lumpur-Puchong-Bandar Kiara

What is Talents Tech?


Have you ever wondered if you had any special skills? Talents Tech is a company that can tell you about your deepest personalities and possibilities.

The company, which started in 2014, uses a patented system to analyze the personality, strengths and weaknesses of the individual from their fingerprints and suggests professions that suits them. The relationship between fingerprints and the brain has been studied for a long time. The system analyzes based on these research results and a lot of fingerprint data.
(I also received Talents Tech fingerprint analysis and consultation!)

Example of consultation result:
I didn't know how to take leadership, but through analysis, found that the leader that fit me was to be the leader that everyone liked, instead of giving instructions. The school project was successful, when I used the style of asking everybody for help.

If you are a student, you will know the most efficient way to study. Knowing what you are looking for in the future makes it easier to decide your career goals.
If you are a working adult, you'll know the careers that will be most rewarding, interesting and suited for you.


Talents Tech office in Bandar Kiara

What kind of person were you when you were a child?

"From an early age, I was interested in the character of others and the difference between successful and unsuccessful people.
When I was little, it was very hard because our family was poor and I had many siblings. I was the second of five brothers. 
After I entered elementary school, I was often ill or injured and hospitalized, and my learning was slower than other children.
At that time, I was able to work as a child, so I went to work at a food factory after school.
When I was in junior high and high school, I was a little crazy and did some ridiculous things ( e.g running away with a broken bicycle)."

What kinds of jobs did you have before starting Talents Tech?

"I have worked in more than 20 different jobs. I have worked in factories for five companies, worked in cleaning services, and even worked in grocers.
I also taught headhunters and programming.
At one point I learned about the fingerprint analysis technology and decided to do this business."

What was the hardest challenge when you started the company?

"I think that the most difficult thing was to maintain your feelings by believing or inspiring yourself when you face an obstacle and feel uneasy, or when you're on the verge of a breakdown.
It is important to have confidence in yourself. No one is going to tell you the right answer, so I constantly wonder 'is it the right decision for the company?' It is much more fun to do business while overcoming obstacles than spending time as an employee of the company.
The risks are great, but it's fun to go over obstacles to make the company bigger."

A message from Mr Richard to children in Japan

I think that there are many gifted children in Japan, and have higher ability to cooperate and solve problems than children from overseas.
On the other hand, I think there is pressure to be the same as everyone and to do the same.
I think it will be an important life skill to work with people of different strengths and talents in the future. I believe that each individual can leverage their strengths and talents to collaborate with others to achieve high-level results and goals.

Mr Richard's Motto

“Life is a multiplication of experiences. The important question is what multiply factors we find in Life”


E = Experience
X = Point of View

Do you have a motto?


Right: Mr Richard Leow    Left: Midori Watabe

More info about Consultation

If you are interested, please contact us. (Please send emails in English)
Email: info@talentstech.com


I think what you learn at the Talents Tech consultation will be useful throughout your life.
If you use what you learned through consultation, you can improve your efficiency at work, studying etc.
The results can be received as paper materials and can be reviewed at any time. 
I definitely recommend that you take Talents Tech consultation!!

Thank you very much.



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