
Driving Up To Palm Beach

27/6/2020 Sat.

【Day 98】

Palm Beach is at the north end of Northern beaches. I think that area is where rich people live in or have gorgeous second houses.

Waves were quite big and the ocean was packed with a lot of people. Before I entered, I had felt like I wouldn’t have been able to ride them well because I hadn’t surfed big waves for quite a long time.

So, I paddled out from the right end of the beach where a lot of beginners sat on their boards which means waves were relatively calm. 

Once I reached the peak, immediately I realized that waves were fatter than I thought. So I wasn’t scared at all but it’s really hard to catch them. And they were so wide and fast that I couldn’t really ride out of it.


Anyway, I've never depressed, because I could go surfing at least. 

After that, we went to a cafe in Avaron Beach for lunch and an outlet shopping mall(I’ve forgot the name though).



It’s really convenient if you had a car in Australia obviously. For Japanese, driving a car in Australia is much easier than in Hawaii because the driving lane is as same as in Japan.


Using GoGet is much more comfortable than I expected so I don’t think I need to buy my own car for now.
