Aoi Araki / 荒木碧泉

Aoi Araki / 荒木碧泉



グランジとオルタナティブロックは、1980年代から1990年代にかけて特に注目されるようになり、多くのバンドがこれらのジャンルで大きな成功を収めました。これらの音楽スタイルは、それぞれ独自の特徴を持ちつつも相互に影響を及ぼし合っていました。 グランジは、主にシアトルを中心に発展し、Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgardenなどのバンドが先駆者として名高い。グランジの音楽は、歪んだギター、力強いリフ、そして生の感情を込めた歌詞が特徴的です。これらの要素は、

    • August 5th

      During my first training camp as a member of the football club at my school, we were able to go and watch a J.League football game at at the Yamaha stadium in Iwata, Shizuoka. It was my first ever J.League game that I happened to watch.

      • Thomas E dison-shin

        一番大切な質問は意外と簡単そうに見える? ”なぜ海外大学進学をしたいのか?心掛けているのか?” 僕はあえてこの文章を疑問系で始めた。それは自分個人が2列目の質問に対する明確な答えがまだ決まっていないからだ。だが今答えろと言われたらこう答える”自分は帰国子女であって、これまで日本語の勉強をサボってきたから海外大学進学というオプションしかないからだ”と答えるであろう。この答えが果たして合っているかと聞かれたらみんなはどう思いますか?自分は自分がサボってきたという言葉を使い、これか

        • You and Me?

          Heya. It is currently 10:34 PM on a day before my Media Productions test/response. Guess what? I'm burnt out. "This" never happened to me growing up; and I hope it doesn't happen to any of you. Have you ever questioned the meaning behind yo

          A man of many talents

          20:57 PM of May 3rd 2022. It has been 7 years since I have last came to Fukuoka, Japan. My family and I have always missed our grandparents, and even our cousins. However, living in Hong Kong didn't help with this situation, and naturally f


          A number of us have achievements we are genuinely proud of, and carry the accomplishment deep within our hearts. We bring these accomplishments along with us in life, and tally them up. Some of us take advantage of these experiences, an

          Praise God

          2022, April 4th 21:14. This was written a few days before my birthday, two days to be precise. I don't know why I started to write this, but I can tell you that I was probably not feeling all that good. I hate to write essays, but writing a