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The moment I fell, I thought, "This is bad." In this darkness, there was a high possibility that cars wouldn't notice me lying on the road and would come speeding by.

This is bad. If I stay down like this, I'll get run over. I need to get away quickly💦 I need to get away—dragging my aching feet and hands, I picked up my belongings and somehow managed to cross the intersection🚸, eventually making it home while groaning in pain. More than I had expected, I had scrapes that were bleeding, and when I moved my left arm, which I had twisted, it caused sharp pain.

With a bruised and aching head, I gathered what I could find at home for first aid. Although I took painkillers and went to bed, I couldn't sleep well due to the shock and pain.

The next day, when I went to the hospital, fortunately, there was no bone damage. The skirt was torn. I love maxi skirts because they are cute, but I've had several scary experiences with them. My favorite maxi dress... I have two others, but I don't feel like wearing them anymore. I've had scary moments like stepping on the hem with heels on the stairs and the possibility of getting caught in an escalator, so they really are dangerous, aren't they?

Goodbye, maxi skirts.

Life is the most important thing after all. I realized I should carry reflective items at night, so I attached a reflector to my sports gym bag.

Please be careful with long skirts.


on track
Despite some early setbacks, the company is now on track to meet its annual revenue goals.

off track 
The meeting went off track when participants started discussing unrelated topics.

He realized he was off track with his fitness goals and decided to hire a personal trainer to help him.

back on track 
She took a few days off to rest and is now back on track with her studies.

ようやく、ジムに復帰でき幸せいっぱいの帰り道、転倒事故にあい、また仕事を休み、今週の私の生活は完全に、off track であった。

怪我の経過を見ると、来週のジム復帰は早すぎて、再来週にBack on track できることをめざしたい。

Since going to karaoke last week, I've had symptoms similar to COVID-19, including a fever, and I've been unwell for a week. Just as I was happy to finally get back to the gym, I had an accident on my way home and fell, causing me to take time off work again. This week, my life has been completely off track.

Looking at the progress of my injury, returning to the gym next week seems too soon, so I aim to get back on track the week after next.

