#249【English】Morning Talk SMART

Good morning everyone it’s Wednesday, January 6th and it’s time for ambers morning English talk. This week I’m talking about resolutions and goals because it’s kind of the first week of the new year!

So today I want to talk about SMART goals! Or S M A R T goals. These are:

* S – Specific
* M – Measurable
* A – Attainable
* R – Relevant
* T – Time-bound (or Trackable).

SMART goals tend to be more powerful than regular goals because SMART goals allow you to see your progress and evaluate whether or not you’re setting realistic expectations for yourself on your journey to reaching a goal.

For example “I want to run my own business” is a personal goal, which can be made into a SMART goal such as “By 2025 I want to open and start management of my own coffee shop”

By deciding when you want to complete a goal, it can help you to break down different milestones on your path to reaching that goal. You can look at your personal goal and see what you may need to do in order to achieve that goal.

So back to the goal of “By 2025 I want to open and start management of my own coffee shop”

Seeing this goal allows you to see how much time you have left until you want to finish that goal. In this case, you have 4 years. From there you may want to break it down into a one, two or three year goal. In three years, where do you want to be on your journey to opening and managing your own coffee shop? Perhaps in 3 years you want to have a location for your coffee shop chosen and contracted. In two years, perhaps you want to have enough money saved or a solid business plan to get a loan for initial costs. In one year, maybe you want to have some experience managing a large coffee chain like Starbucks or Tully’s. But you can break this down even further. A six-month goal may be “to complete taking classes on business management, or even classes on something coffee-related.” A one-month goal could be “to start working at a starting position at a coffee shop.” A one-week goal may be “submit resume to nearby coffee shops for a starting position."