#211【English】Morning Talk Santa


Good morning everyone, it's Thursday, December 10th and it's time for Amber's Morning English Talk.

It's currently eight degrees in Tokyo, and cloudy. In the afternoon, the temperature should rise to about thirteen degrees, and we may even get a peek from the sun!

I cannot believe it's already the tenth of December! It feels like the month is flying by even though I still have a lot to do.

Today, I want to talk about something I miss from the Christmas season in the United States. And that something, or rather, somebody is:
Santa Claus! I have never seen Santa Claus in Japan, with only one exception. That exception was a Christmas party held by my Rotary club when I was a high school student living in Gunma. We were lucky enough to be visited by Santa, though he looked very familiar, almost like my host dad.

This may sound silly but seeing Santa at the mall or at events is always a bit exciting, and really adds to the magic of the holiday season. Seeing and meeting Santa kind of feels like meeting Mickey Mouse. There's just something magical about that experience, even if you grow up and don't particularly believe in Santa Clause anymore.

So I feel like Santa is a bit of an elusive character in Japan. This year is definitely even harder with current events, but if possible, next year, I'd really like to even just wave hello to Santa Claus.

So, if Santa is listening, consider that the present I'm wishing for next year. And also for it to snow, because it feels like we get less and less snow each year.

But anyway, I'd like to end todays morning talk with a question for those that are listening: "Have you seen Santa Claus before?"