
写真家 鷲尾倫夫の世界


When you walk into an alley near from a station which is just a 20 minute ride in a subway from Seoul, you will find yourself by houses with prostitutes. The alley extends nearly a kilometer. The place is officially recognized by the government They say it derives from military draft system of country. Dressed up like dolls, girls there wait for guys to pick them up. They sit politely in Korean way with their one knee drawn up. It is difficult to express what I felt there in proper words. I felt tenderly that their faces were pretty on one hand. At the same time, I felt for pointing my camera rudely at them but did not give in to this hesitation. I stood frankly in front of them and point my camera straight at them. I submit before your eyes the collections of the space-time continua there and them between those girls and me which were cut out through my camera.


I happened to know this small town in Yokohama by watching a TV special report covering the area. Out of curiosity which was aroused by the program I was standing at Kotobukicho the very next day when early morning air started to fill the place.Surrounded by a heated atmosph ere from many guys who were looking for jobs earning necessary money for one day
or even for some meals, Ifelt what uneasy to be there.then a stoutly built guy stood in front of me and said bluntly. by the way?
I was not prepared to answer the question at once. After a short interval. I whispered with some heaitation.
“I am a photographer.” Having heard my answer, he roared wity laughter.
“We don’t introduce such a high-skill-job here. you stupid!. Well, my brother, is it possible that you take picture?
” He asked the question with a serious tone. Having confirmed myconsent, he went away came back after awhile.
During the time, he had a shave and changed his clothes as well. Asking me to follow him, he took me to a construction site.
There he looked around, nodder and posed for his picture being taken by me..  When I finishhhhed taking his picture, he handed me 1000yen saying “This is a part of payment in advance
”. That encounter was the start of my frequent visits to the place..Being a photografher seemed not an easy job as I imagined
at the first stage of my career. I had been having this vague image for a long time until I experienced visiting Kotobukicho
where guys get together and struggle for earing daily cash. I came to believe that the spirit of being a photographer
exusts in experiencing unexpected encounters with variety of people.

To be honest, this photo hit me with a strong impact when I saw it the first time. I’ve seen this kind of a close-up photo of a face for many times but this photo is different. I can’t stop thinking why this photo has such a special impact.
In my opinion, it is because Mr. Washio’s purpose of taking this photo is absolutely clear. There is no vagueness. All the photos are shot by same method with full intensive attention. No confusion, no hesitation at all.


More important and unique reason is his approach of understanding a human. His way of shooting does not expect human events created from collection of all kinds of appearance and its diversity. I’ve seen that kind of photos many times but this photo is different. This photo has insistence and it is most clear insistence I’ve ever seen in my life.

Simply, this photo is taken by completely observing a human as an object. I understand some people may say there are many photos shot by the same way since New Objectivity - Neue Sachlichkeit -, or some might say the photograph itself is the tool to capture objects. However, I do not think one can take photo of human as truly as an object.

Needless to say since a human being is an object in some aspects, when you try to photo someone as an object, the picture may emphasize its appearance as an object. However, when the photographer does not see human as an object from bottom of his or her heart, the photo will capture the individual with an EVENT at the same time. I use the word “EVENT” as a sign, a symbol or a metaphor. In this case, the photo may show emphasized appearance of a human as an object but also capture the EVENT at the same time and the photo may be no different from ordinary portrait.

To express individual as a simple object but nothing else, the images and events as a person must be eliminated completely. It is easy to say, but hard to do. The perspective to see a human as an object must be one’s nature, and it cannot be easily achieved. This is why I was strongly hit by Mr. Washio’s photo that I thought he came through at the point nobody could easily achieve.

I do not think I need to emphasize again the validity of the movement to see a human as an object. The difficult achievement Mr. Washio showed in this photo gives me a huge excitement to see his future works.



日本の写真家・鷲尾倫夫の写真集『原色の町 -韓国 1983〜1988-(Signed)』。1941年東京生まれ、海員学校を卒業した後、海運会社に就職して、海外向け貨物船の乗組員として働いていたという異色の経歴を有する鷲尾倫夫。その間の洋上生活において、のべ50以上の国々を船でまわったそうですが、その間偶然の出会いを機に写真を取り始め、70年代初頭にニコンサロンで初のエキシビジョンを開催、それ以来プロカメラマンとしての活動を本格的に行い、雑誌『Focus』の創刊時から専属カメラマンとして活躍、その関係は休刊に至る20年近く続きました。その間にも、自身の創作テーマに基づいた数々の個展を開催していますが、本書は80年代半ばに、韓国で撮影された図版で構成された1st写真集。ソウル・釜山・大邸・南旨・仁川・馬山を舞台に、20回を超える訪韓で出会った人々のスナップやポートレートが収録されており、特に若い女性たちのピュアな視線が、センチメンタルな気分にさせる素晴らしい作品の数々です。写真家サイン入り(Singed)。

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